Grave Mantle, Officer

Source: Starfinder Armory

Level: 17

Price: 256,500

EAC Bonus: +20

KAC Bonus: +22

Max Dex Bonus: +5

Armor Check Penalty: -

Speed Adjustment: -

Upgrade Slots: 3

Bulk: L


The utilitarian grave mantle is common both on Eox and among the Eoxian expatriates of the Corpse Fleet. The base model worn by rankand- file troops consists of a tabard of ballistic fabric worn over plastic mesh, with additional layers of fabric reinforcing the joints. More expensive models enhance the mesh with nanowire and place ceramic plates beneath the tabard. Despite Eoxian armies having no need for air, grave mantles retain life support systems as a defense against corrosive atmospheres and related hazards.