BMC Mauler

While Maulers can be flown in combat by a single person, making them popular with bounty hunters and other lone wolves, militaries usually staff them with two: a pilot seated upright in the bubble canopy, and a gunner behind the pilot operating via screens.

tiny None

Speed: 10

Maneuverability: good

Drift: 1

AC: 19

TL: 18

HP: 35


CT: 7

Shields: basic 40 (forward 10, port 10, starboard 10, aft 10) Attacks

  • Forward: light plasma cannon (2d12), tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8)
  • Aft: flak thrower (3d4)

Power Core: Pulse Brown (90 PCU)

Drift Engine: 1

Systems: advanced mid-range sensors, mk 5 armor, mk 5 defenses, mk 1 mononode computer

Expansion Bays: None

Modifiers: +1 any one check per round, +4 Computers, +1 Piloting

Complement: 2


  • Pilot: Computers +11 (2 ranks), gunnery +7, Piloting +12 (2 ranks)
  • Gunner: gunnery +12