Burning Chains, Archdevil-Class
Level: 16
Price: 178,000
Bulk: 2
Damage: 5d12 F
Critical: Fatigue
Special: _Analog_, _Disarm_, _Fueled_ (capacity 20, usage 1), _Reach_, _Trip_
Source: Starfinder Armory
Hellknights of the Order of the Chain favor these lengths of blackened, fiery chain, which often incorporate etchings of infernal runes or hellscapes into their complex designs. Burning chains aren’t known for their damage so much as their extreme flexibility in confounding an enemy—and, of course, for the visual imagery a burning chain provides when combined with the distinctive Hellknight armor. The order’s names for the various models have become the most commonly used, from fiend-class burning chains to malebranche- and archdevil-class burning chains.