Dart Cannon, Light

Two-Handed Weapons Projectile Heavy Weapons

Level: 2

Price: 690

Bulk: 2

Damage: 1d8 P

Critical: Embed 1d6

Range: 120 ft.

Capacity: 50 darts

Usage: 10

Special: _Unwieldy_

Source: Starfinder Armory


When Akiton’s economy began to collapse in the wake of the thasteron bust, scrappy frontier townspeople were left to cobble together their necessities from whatever they had on hand and defend what resources they had from outside raiders. Dart cannons were created by these inventive souls, who reconfigured their depreciated mining equipment and less critical medical supplies into a weapon to stave off looters and thieves. These wide-barreled cannons fire a barrage of magnetically accelerated darts that contain barbed cores rather than toxins or medicinals. While this prevents the darts from being used to inject substances, the barbs can lodge in a target’s body, dealing lasting damage. Dart cannons tend to see use in environments with some level of gravity, as no one wants to deal with the aftermath of a dart cannon’s discharge in a zero-g environment. This weapon is available in light, tactical, heavy, advanced, elite, and paragon models.