Forked Pistol, 8-Notch

One-Handed Weapons Plasma Small Arms

Level: 6

Price: 4,100

Bulk: L

Damage: 1d4 E & F

Critical: Burn 1d4

Range: 30 ft.

Capacity: 20 charges

Usage: 1

Special: _Boost_ 1d4

Source: Starfinder Armory


Plasma builds up and arcs between the two long, notched tines of this pistol, amplifying in power as the stream travels the length of the weapon. Forked pistols are named for the number of notches in their plasma-generating forks, as each notch contributes to a more powerful blast. Pistols are typically available in 6-notch, 8-notch, 9-notch, and 10-notch models.