Microfusion Rifle, Heavy

Two-Handed Weapons Plasma Longarms

Level: 18

Price: 410,000

Bulk: 1

Damage: 5d8 E & F

Critical: Irradiate

Range: 40 ft.

Capacity: 40 charges

Usage: 4

Special: _Blast_, _Radioactive_, _Unwieldy_

Source: Starfinder Armory


The microfusion rifle is built around a bulbous miniaturized fusion reactor. Plasma is generated and placed under incredible pressure in the reactor before being vented in a sudden blast that sometimes carries dangerous levels of radiation. The sparse shielding on light microfusion rifles often results in the users incurring radiation poisoning, so they tend to be used by undertrained militias that can’t afford (or lack the judgment to use) safer heavy weapons. Medium and heavy microfusion rifles are built with larger reactors, which prove more dangerous to their users and targets alike.