Resonant Staff, Sonorous

Two-Handed Weapons Advanced Melee Weapons Sonic

Level: 3

Price: 1,380

Bulk: 1

Damage: 1d4 So

Critical: Knockdown

Special: _Block_, _Boost_ 1d4, _Powered_ (capacity 20, usage 1)

Source: Starfinder Armory


The weapon known as the resonant staff has a history that runs parallel to origins of the resonant gauntlet and resonant pistol. A similar crystalline structure tuned to particular frequencies turns electricity into sound as it agitates the crystal. The sonorous staff is named for the pleasant tone it strikes, while the reverberant model echoes with a few different tones. A stentorian resonant staff is like the reverberant model but punctuates its blows with distinctive sonic cracks.