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Prerequisites: Sense Motive

You have been taught to carefully consider your own assumptions, making it much less likely you assign false motives to other creatures. When using Sense Motive to detect deception or discern a secret message, as long as your expertise die roll result is not a 1, you don’t think a truthful statement contains deceptions or infer false information from a secret message even if you fail your check by 5 or more.

Cautious Expertise

Choose a skill you have selected with the skill expertise class feature. When you take 20 (see page 133) with this skill, you can roll your expertise die twice and take the better result.
You can choose this talent up to three times, choosing a different skill selected with the skill expertise class feature each time.

Convincing Liar
Prerequisites: Bluff

When you attempt a Bluff check, you can choose not to roll your expertise die until later. After you determine what the check’s result would be, you can choose to either roll your expertise die and add the result to the total or forgo the expertise die and reroll the check (see page 243). At 9th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to reroll the check and add the result of your expertise die.

Cultural Savant
Prerequisites: Culture

As long as you have enough time, you can take 20 on Culture checks to recall knowledge, even if you don’t have access to a computer terminal or other means of research.

Cunning Disguise
Prerequisites: Disguise

When you attempt an initial Disguise check, you can forgo rolling your expertise die. Instead, the first time a creature would pierce your disguise with a Perception check, treat its result as if it had rolled a natural 1 on its Perception check. This benefit applies only once per disguise. At 9th level, this ability also applies against the second creature who pierces your disguise.

Engineering Adept
Prerequisites: Engineering

When you attempt an Engineering check to disable or repair a device, you can forgo rolling your expertise die to instead halve the time it takes to make the attempt.

Expert Forger
Prerequisites: Computers

You have a database of electronic seals and predesigned templates that allow you forge an official document in a matter of moments. When you attempt a Computers check to create a forgery, as long as you have access to a computer, you can forgo your expertise die to attempt the check as a full action (rather than the normal required time of 1d4 minutes).

Fast Hack
Prerequisites: Computers

When you attempt a Computers check to hack into a computer system, you can forgo rolling your expertise die to instead halve the time it takes to make the attempt (to a minimum of 1 round). At 9th level, if you successfully hack the system, you can also negate a single countermeasure protecting that computer system. You cannot use this talent to negate a countermeasure from the same computer again for 24 hours.

Inspired Medic
Prerequisites: Medicine

When you attempt a Medicine check, you can choose not to roll your expertise die until later. After you determine what the check’s result would be, you can choose to either roll your expertise die and add it to the total or forgo the expertise die and reroll the check (see page 243). At 9th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to both reroll the check and add the result of your expertise die.

Keen Observer
Prerequisites: Sense Motive

Whenever you interact with a creature under a mental effect for at least 1 minute, the GM attempts an automatic secret Sense Motive check for you without your expertise die. On a success, you learn about the mental effect. If you specifically request a Sense Motive check to sense mental effects, you can attempt a Sense Motive check as normal, including your expertise die, in addition to this automatic check.