source: Starfinder Core Rulebook

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Holographic Projector
[Level: 8]

Your custom rig can project holographic images as a standard action as often as you like, as per 2nd-level holographic image except it can create speech and has a range of only 120 feet.

Engineer’s Eye
[Level: 8]

When you are within 10 feet of a trapped or malfunctioning machine or computer, you receive a free Computers, Engineering, or Perception check (as decided by the GM) to notice the trap or defect, whether or not you are actively looking. In addition, due to your intimate knowledge of your ship, you receive one of these checks whenever you board your ship to notice if anything is wrong with the ship’s systems.

[Level: 8]

You further improve the response time of your AI. If you have a drone, your drone gains a +1 insight bonus to AC. In addition, if your drone is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex save for half damage, it takes no damage if it succeeds at its saving throw. If you have an exocortex, you gain a +1 insight bonus to AC. In addition, whenever you fail a Reflex saving throw, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to reroll the saving throw (see page 243) and take the higher result. You must have the overclocking mechanic trick to learn this trick.

Invisibility Bypass Processor
[Level: 8]

Your visual data processor now allows you to see invisible creatures as per see invisibility. You must have the visual data processor mechanic trick to learn this trick.

Resistant Energy
[Level: 8]

Even when your energy shield is inactive, the ambient energy protects you from a particular type of energy attack. Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. You gain resistance 5 against that energy type. You must have the energy shield mechanic trick to learn this trick.

Extra Mod
[Level: 14]

If you have a drone, your drone gains an additional basic mod. If you have an exocortex, you gain an additional basic mod. It can’t be a basic mod taken a second time as an advanced mod. You can rebuild this extra mod when you gain a mechanic level as with any other mod, but you can’t rebuild this mod to convert it into the advanced version of the mod.

[Level: 8]

You’re always crafting rudimentary bots in your spare time, and can use them to scout. It takes you 10 minutes and 1 Resolve Point to create a scoutbot. A scoutbot is a Small technological construct, its EAC and KAC are equal to 10 + your mechanic level, and it has 1 Hit Point per mechanic level you have (and no Stamina Points). It has a land speed of 30 feet, and you can control its movements with your custom rig as a move action. It has a camera that streams visual and auditory data back to your rig. The scoutbot uses your saving throw bonuses if necessary. It is untrained in all skills and has a +0 bonus in all of them, though you can use your own Perception skill when examining the feed from its stream. Once created, the scoutbot lasts for 1 minute per mechanic level you have before falling apart unless otherwise destroyed.

Improved Resistant Energy
[Level: 14]

Choose an additional energy type from resistant energy. You gain resistance 15 against both this and your original energy type. You must have the energy shield and resistant energy mechanic tricks to learn this trick.

Invisibility-Hampering Projector
[Level: 14]

As a move action, you can use your custom rig’s holographic projector to project a holographic image in a direct overlay over an invisible creature within 120 feet, and your custom rig’s computer moves the image to follow the invisible creature, effectively negating the creature’s invisibility as long as it remains within 120 feet of you. If it moves beyond that range, it breaks the effect until you use this ability again. You must have the holographic projector, invisibility bypass processor, and visual data processor mechanic tricks to learn this trick.

Tool Arm
[Level: 1]

Select one technological item from Chapter 7: Equipment of no more than light bulk and an item level no higher than your mechanic level. Your drone is equipped with a robotic arm with that item attached and the proper programming to use the item, although it cannot use a tool that requires skill checks unless it also has ranks in the relevant skill (or you have ranks in the relevant skill and the drone is under your direct control).