source: Starfinder Core Rulebook

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[Level: 1]

Your drone’s land speed increases by 10 feet.

[Level: 1]

Your drone gains resistance to an energy type of your choice— acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic—equal to your mechanic level, to a maximum of 10. You can select this mod multiple times. Its effects do not stack; each time you select this mod, it must apply to a different energy type from the list above.

Enhanced Senses
[Level: 1]

Your drone gains low-light vision, darkvision to 60 feet, and a +2 insight bonus to Perception skill checks. If your drone has the camera mod, the camera gains these senses as well.

Climbing Claws
[Level: 1]

Your drone gains a climb speed equal to half its land speed. This mod can be applied to only combat and stealth drones.

Melee Weapon Arm
[Level: 1]

Your drone is equipped with a robotic arm to which you can affix a one-handed melee weapon, allowing your drone to wield that weapon and attack with it. This weapon cannot be disarmed. Wielding a two-handed melee weapon requires two melee weapon arms. If you do not already have a weapon to equip, you must purchase it separately. Swapping out a weapon in a melee weapon arm requires use of your custom rig and 1 hour of work. You can select this mod multiple times, each time adding an additional melee weapon arm to the drone.

Jump Jets
[Level: 1]

Your drone is equipped with powerful miniature jets. It can use these jets to jump up to 30 feet as a move action (either vertically, horizontally, or in any combination that does not exceed 30 feet). If applied to a hover drone, these jets instead allow your drone to increase its fly speed by 30 feet for 1 round. Once used, these jets must cool down for 1 minute before they can be used again.

[Level: 1]

Your drone has a camera that you can see through using your custom rig as long as your drone is within range. The camera has ordinary sight, and is capable of seeing whatever an ordinary human could see. The camera can also record up to 1 hour of footage, which can be downloaded and viewed using your custom rig.

Manipulator Arms
[Level: 1]

Your drone is equipped with two robotic arms with simple hands. They can perform most functions that your arms can perform (such as opening doors, typing on a keypad, wielding a weapon, or attempting skill checks that require manual dexterity), but attacks made with them take a –4 penalty.

[Level: 1]

Your drone is equipped with miniature marine jet engines, granting it a swim speed equal to half its land speed. This mod can be applied to only combat drones and stealth drones.

Hardened AI
[Level: 1]

Your drone’s AI is secured against outside influence. Any attempt to hack your drone takes a –4 penalty, and your drone receives a +4 insight bonus to saving throws against spells or effects that attempt to take control of the drone or otherwise dictate its actions.