source: Starfinder Core Rulebook

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Glimpse the Truth
[Level: 10]

By picking up on subtle clues and hidden traces in your immediate surroundings, you can see things as they really are. As a full action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to gain the effects of true seeing for 1 round with a range of 60 feet.

Holographic Distraction
[Level: 10]

As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to create a single holographic duplicate or psychic projection of yourself that moves away from you for 1 round per operative level. The double climbs walls, jumps across pits, or simply passes through obstacles, moving at twice your speed in one direction indicated by you when the ability is activated. Its course cannot be changed. Those who interact with the double can attempt a Will save to recognize that it is not real. You must have the holographic clone exploit to learn this exploit.

Improved Evasion
[Level: 10]

When you fail a Reflex save against an effect that has a partial effect on a successful save, you take the partial effect instead of the full effect. You must have evasion to learn this exploit.

Improved Uncanny Mobility
[Level: 10]

When you use the trick attack action or take a standard action to move up to your speed, your movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. You still provoke attacks of opportunity normally when making ranged attacks or casting spells. You must have the uncanny mobility exploit to learn this exploit.

Master of Disguise
[Level: 10]

You can take on the appearances of other creatures and even specific individuals. This functions as the quick disguise exploit, but the duration increases to 10 minutes per operative level. Alternatively, for 1 minute per operative level, you can take on the appearance of a specific individual that you have seen before. If you have heard the individual talk and can speak her language, you can also modulate your speech to match hers. This disguise is so convincing that creatures familiar with the individual must succeed at a Will saving throw before they can attempt a Perception check to pierce the disguise. You must have the quick disguise exploit to learn this exploit.

Stunning Shot (Ex)
[Level: 10]

For your debilitating trick, you can try to stun your target. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be stunned until the start of your next turn. Once you’ve used this ability to try to stun a creature, it’s immune to your stunning shot for 24 hours. You must have the staggering shot exploit to learn this exploit.

Versatile Movement
[Level: 10]

You gain a climb speed and a swim speed equal to your land speed. This speed is not increased by the quick movement class feature or improved quick movement exploit.

Efficient Cloaking Field
[Level: 14]

Your cloaking field lasts for up to 100 rounds (10 minutes), and it recharges at the rate of 2 rounds of cloaking per minute while inactive. You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a move action to recharge 20 rounds immediately, and you can do this even while the cloaking field is active. You must have the cloaking field exploit to learn this exploit.

Knockout Shot
[Level: 14]

For your debilitating trick, you can attempt to knock the target out in one blow. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or fall unconscious for 1 minute. Once you’ve used this ability to attempt to knock a creature out, that creature is immune to your knockout shot for 24 hours. You must have the staggering shot and stunning shot exploits to learn this exploit.

Multiattack Mastery
[Level: 14]

When you use triple attack or quad attack to attack the same target with all of your attacks, after your full attack is complete, if at least two of your attacks hit, you can apply a debilitating trick to the target.