source: Starfinder Core Rulebook

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Ultimate Graviton
[Level: 16]

As your ability to manipulate powers of gravity expands, the range of any graviton revelation (but not zenith revelation) you have with a range doubles. Any graviton revelation (but not zenith revelation) you have that targets a single creature can now simultaneously target two creatures, who must be within 20 feet of each other. You also increase the power of any of the following gravity revelations you have.

  • Defy Gravity: Your fly speed increases by 20 feet.
  • Gravity Anchor: As a move action, you can gain both types of gravity anchor simultaneously.
  • Gravity Boost: Your bonus applies to all Acrobatics checks, and you take no damage from any fall.
  • Reflection: If you successfully redirect an attack as a reaction, you can continue to reflect additional attacks until the beginning of your next turn. You have a cumulative –2 penalty to your redirect attack roll on each reflection attempt after the first. If any reflected attack misses, you can’t make further redirect attempts until you use this revelation again.
Ultimate Photon
[Level: 16]

Your ability to manipulate powers of light and energy expand greatly. The radius of any photon revelation (but not zenith revelation) you have with a radius expands by 10 feet. Any photon revelation (but not zenith revelation) that lasts for 1 round or until you leave photon mode now lasts for 1d4 rounds if you are not in photon mode. You also increase the power of any of the following photon revelations you have.

  • Astrologic Sense: You can see twice as far into the future as normal.
  • Glow of Life: You can use this revelation as a swift action, rather than a move action.
  • Hypnotic Glow: The charm’s duration doubles.
  • Stellar Rush: You gain a +2 bonus to your EAC until the beginning of your next turn.
Primary Fighting Style
[Level: 1]

You have a preferred fighting style that represents the type of soldier you are. Each fighting style is composed of various style techniques that you learn as you gain experience. You must pick one fighting style upon taking your first soldier level, and once made, this choice cannot be changed. Descriptions of the fighting styles you can choose from appear on pages 112–115.

Primary Style Technique
[Level: 1]

At 1st level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a style technique unique to your primary fighting style.

Combat Feat
[Level: 2]

At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat feats.
Whenever you gain a new bonus feat, you can also choose to replace one of the bonus feats you have already learned with a different bonus feat. The feat you replace can’t be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat or other ability. You can change only one feat at any given level, and you must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time you gain the new bonus feat.

Gear Boost
[Level: 3]

At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you learn a trick called a gear boost that make you better with a particular type of weapon or armor. Choose from the gear boosts listed below. Some gear boosts require you to reach a certain soldier level to select them; this level is indicated in parentheses after the boost’s name.

Brutal Blast

You gain a +2 insight bonus to damage rolls with weapons that have the blast special property (such as a scattergun). This extra damage applies only to creatures within 10 feet of you; creatures farther away take the normal amount of damage. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 soldier levels you have.

Bullet Barrage

You gain a +1 insight bonus to damage rolls for weapons in the projectile category. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 soldier levels you have.

Flash Freeze
[Level: 7]

When you hit a creature with a weapon in the cryo category, that creature’s speeds are reduced by 10 feet for 1 round, to a minimum of 10 feet.

Heavy Onslaught
[Level: 11]

Your attacks with heavy weapons bypass part of the target’s damage reduction. If your heavy weapon does not already overcome the target’s damage reduction, treat the target’s damage reduction as though it were 5 lower. At 15th level, treat the target’s damage reduction as 10 lower.