source: Starfinder Core Rulebook

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Slippery Shooter
Prerequisites: Dex 15, base attack bonus +6.

You leave fewer openings when making a ranged attack.

Step Up and Strike
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Step Up, base attack bonus +6.

When a foe tries to move away, you can follow and make an attack of opportunity.

Heavy Weapon Proficiency
Prerequisites: Str 13, proficiency in small arms and longarms.

You know how to use heavy weapons.

Spell Focus
[Level: 3] Prerequisites: Ability to cast spells, character level 3rd.

Through careful study, you have developed methods to make your spells harder to resist.

Stand Still

You can stop foes that try to move past you.

Spry Cover
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1.

You can use covering fire to make it easier for your ally to move.

Step Up
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1.

You can close the distance when a foe tries to move away.

Suppressive Fire
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, proficiency with heavy weapons.

You can use automatic weapons to create a cone of covering fire or harrying fire.

Strike Back
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1.

You can strike at foes that attack you using their superior reach by targeting their limbs or weapons as they come at you.

Swimming Master
Prerequisites: Athletics 5 ranks.

You can swim as well as a fish.