source: Starfinder Core Rulebook

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Adaptive Fighting
Prerequisites: Three or more combat feats

You can adjust your fighting style to match specific conditions during combat.

Weapon Specialization
[Level: 3] Prerequisites: Character level 3rd, proficiency with selected weapon type.

You know how to get the full damage out of a weapon type your class doesn’t normally use.

Spring Attack
Prerequisites: ex 15, Mobility, base attack bonus +4.

You can deftly move up to a foe, strike, and withdraw before it can react.

Agile Casting
Prerequisites: Key ability score 15, Dex 15, Mobility, caster level 4th.

You can move, cast a spell, and move again before foes react.

Prerequisites: Engineering 1 rank.

You are adept at creating quick, temporary cover.


You are skilled at attacking opponents you can’t clearly see.

Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1.

You can strike two adjacent foes with a single swing.


You can attempt to ward off attacks that target nearby allies.

Climbing Master
Prerequisites: Athletics 5 ranks.

You can climb as well as a monkey or a spider.

Combat Casting
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 2nd-level spells.

You leave fewer openings when casting a spell.