source: Starfinder Core Rulebook

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In Harm’s Way
Prerequisites: Bodyguard

You put yourself in danger’s path to save your allies.

Great Fortitude

You are resistant to diseases, poisons, and other maladies.

Improved Iron Will
Prerequisites: Iron Will, character level 5th.

Your clarity of thought allows you to resist mental attacks.

Improved Critical
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +8.

Attacks with your chosen weapon are harder to shake off.

Improved Great Fortitude
Prerequisites: Great Fortitude, character level 5th.

You are more resistant to diseases, poisons, and dangers.

Improved Stand Still
Prerequisites: Stand Still.

You are particularly skilled at stopping foes in their tracks.

Improved Feint

You are skilled at fooling your opponents in combat.

Improved Lightning Reflexes
Prerequisites: Lightning Reflexes, character level 5th.

You have a knack for avoiding the dangers all around you.

Improved Sidestep
Prerequisites: Dex 17, Mobility or trick attack class feature, Sidestep.

You keep your mobility when sidestepping foes’ melee attacks.

Jet Dash

You are swift of foot and can make enormous leaps.