alignment: CE
perception: +23
type: creature

Found 2 matches

Pluprex CR: 13 XP: 25600 CE Medium outsider (chaotic) Init.: +4 Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +23 Aura: radiation (20 ft.) HP: 190 EAC: 26 KAC: 27 Fort: +16 Ref: +12 Will: +14 Speed: 50 ft., fly 60 ft. (Su, average) Melee: bite +23 (6d4+19 S plus invoke mutation) Ranged: Offensive Abilities: invoke mutation Str: +6 Dex: +4 Con: +4 Wis: +2 Int: +3 Cha: +8 Skills: Acrobatics +23, Bluff +28, Intimidate +28, Life Science +23, Mysticism +23 Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 100 ft.
Shipmind CR: 13 XP: 25600 CE Huge ooze Init.: +6 Senses: blindsight (life) 60 ft., detect alignment Perception: +23 HP: 225 EAC: 27 KAC: 29 Fort: +15 Ref: +17 Will: +10 Speed: 0 ft. (10 ft. outside of container) Melee: slam +26 (3d12+21 B plus grab and thought disruption) Ranged: plasma bolt +23 (5d6+13 E & F; critical burn 1d10) Offensive Abilities: immerse Str: +8 Dex: +6 Con: +4 Wis: +4 Int: +3 Cha: +3 Skills: Computers +23, Engineering +23, Mysticism +23, Piloting +28, Sense Motive +23 Languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Drow, Infernal; telepathy 60 ft.