cr: 9
initiative: +3
type: creature

Found 2 matches

Emotivore CR: 9 XP: 6400 NE Medium undead (shapechanger) Init.: +3 Senses: blindsense (emotion) 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Perception: +17 HP: 120 EAC: 21 KAC: 22 Fort: +8 Ref: +8 Will: +12 Speed: 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (Su, perfect) Melee: claw +16 (3d4+9 S; critical shaken [see text]) Ranged: hailstorm-class zero pistol +16 (2d6+9 C; critical staggered [DC 18]) Offensive Abilities: feed Str: +0 Dex: +3 Con:Wis: +4 Int: +1 Cha: +6 Skills: Acrobatics +17 (+25 to fly), Bluff +22, Culture +17, Diplomacy +17, Intimidate +17, Sense Motive +17, Stealth +17 Languages: Common Gear: d-suit III, hailstorm-class zero pistol with 2 high-capacity batteries (40 charges each)
Scavenger Slime CR: 9 XP: 6400 N Large ooze Init.: +3 Senses: blindsight (vibration) 60 ft., sightless Perception: +17 HP: 145 EAC: 22 KAC: 24 Fort: +13 Ref: +9 Will: +6 Speed: 20 ft. Melee: pseudopod +18 (2d10+13 B) Ranged: aphelion artillery laser +21 (3d8+9 F) or dual crossbolter +21 (2d10+9 P) or red star plasma rifle +21 (1d10+9 E & F) Offensive Abilities: None Str: +4 Dex: +3 Con: +6 Wis: +0 Int:Cha: -2 Skills: Stealth +22 (+27 in ruins or garbage)