fort_save: +9
type: creature

Found 20 matches

Atrocite CR: 10 XP: 9600 CE Medium outsider (chaotic) Init.: +2 Senses: blindsense (life) 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +19 HP: 147 EAC: 23 KAC: 22 Fort: +9 Ref: +9 Will: +15 Speed: 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (Su, average) Melee: slam +17 (2d8+15 B) Ranged: void bolt +19 (3d4+10 force; critical severe wound [DC 19]) Offensive Abilities: words of destruction Str: +5 Dex: +2 Con: +2 Wis: +3 Int: +0 Cha: +8 Skills: Intimidate +24, Mysticism +24, Sense Motive +19 Languages: Abyssal, Common; telepathy (100 ft.)
Iztheptar CR: 6 XP: 2400 N Small humanoid Init.: +3 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Perception: +13 (+15 with vision) HP: 90 RP: 4 EAC: 18 KAC: 20 Fort: +9 Ref: +7 Will: +5 Speed: 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Melee: venom spur +16 (1d6+10 P plus poison) Ranged: None Offensive Abilities: None Str: +2 Dex: +3 Con: +5 Wis: -1 Int: +0 Cha: -2 Skills: Athletics +18, Life Science +13, Medicine +13 Languages: Azlanti
Large Elemental CR: 5 XP: 1600 N Large outsider (elemental) Init.: +3 Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +11 HP: 70 EAC: 17 KAC: 19 Fort: +9 Ref: +7 Will: +4 Speed: 20 ft. Melee: slam +15 (1d6+10 B) Ranged: None Offensive Abilities: None Str: +5 Dex: +3 Con: +2 Wis: +0 Int: -3 Cha: +0 Skills: Acrobatics +11, Athletics +11
Nuar Specialist CR: 8 XP: 4800 LN Medium monstrous (humanoid) Init.: +0 Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +16 HP: 117 EAC: 19 KAC: 20 Fort: +9 Ref: +9 Will: +9 Speed: 40 ft. Melee: buzzblade dueling sword +17 (2d6+10 S) or horn +17 (1d12+10 P) Ranged: aphelion laser pistol +15 (3d4+8 F; critical burn 1d4) or frag grenade III +15 (explode [15 ft., 4d6 P, DC 18]) Offensive Abilities: gore, knockdown, overload (DC 18), target tracking Str: +2 Dex: +0 Con: +2 Wis: +4 Int: +6 Cha: +1 Skills: Athletics +16, Bluff +16, Computers +21, Engineering +21, Physical Science +21 Languages: Common, Orc Gear: advanced lashunta tempweave (black force field [10 HP]), maze-core aphelion laser pistol and buzzblade dueling sword with 2 high-capacity batteries (40 charges each), frag grenades III (4), detonators (4)
Rebuilt CR: 7 XP: 3200 CN Medium aberration Init.: +2 Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +14 HP: 105 EAC: 19 KAC: 21 Fort: +9 Ref: +9 Will: +8, +4 vs. pain effects Speed: 15 ft. Melee: slam +17 (2d6+12 B) Ranged: None Offensive Abilities: None Str: +5 Dex: +2 Con: +4 Wis: +0 Int: -2 Cha: -2 Skills: Acrobatics +14, Athletics +19, Intimidate +14, Survival +19 Languages: Vulgar Kishaleen (can't speak)
Shobhad Warleader CR: 7 XP: 3200 N Large monstrous (humanoid) Init.: +6 Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +14 HP: 105 EAC: 20 KAC: 21 Fort: +9 Ref: +7 Will: +8 Speed: 50 ft. Melee: sintered longsword +17 (2d8+12 S) Ranged: shobhad longrifle +14 (2d10+8 P) Offensive Abilities: charge attack, fighting styles (blitz) Str: +5 Dex: +2 Con: +4 Wis: +0 Int: +0 Cha: +2 Skills: Intimidate +19, Stealth +14, Survival +14 Languages: Akitonian, Shobhad Gear: advanced war harness (functions as d-suit II), sintered longswords (2), shobhad longrifle (functions as an advanced shirren-eye rifle) with 50 sniper rounds
Void Hag CR: 10 XP: 9600 NE Medium monstrous (humanoid) Init.: +7 Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +19 HP: 118 EAC: 25 KAC: 27 Fort: +9 Ref: +11 Will: +15 Speed: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (Su, perfect) Melee: ultrathin dagger +17 (4d4+11 S) Ranged: hailstorm-class zero pistol +19 (2d6+10 C; critical staggered [DC 19]) Offensive Abilities: stardust robes Str: +1 Dex: +3 Con: +0 Wis: +2 Int: +8 Cha: +3 Skills: Acrobatics +19 (+27 when flying), Intimidate +24, Mysticism +24, Stealth +19 Languages: Aklo, Common, Drow Gear: white carbon carbon skin, hailstorm-class zero pistol with 4 high-capacity batteries (40 charges each), ultrathin dagger
Xaarb CR: 5 XP: 1600 N Medium magical (beast) Init.: +3 Senses: blindsense (scent), darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Perception: +11 HP: 72 EAC: 17 KAC: 19 Fort: +9 Ref: +9 Will: +4 Speed: 40 ft., climb 20 ft. Melee: slam +15 (1d6+10 B) or bite +15 (1d6+10 P plus swallow whole) Ranged: frostbite-class zero pistol +12 (1d6+5 C; critical staggered [DC 15]) or screamer grenade I +11 (explode [15 ft., 1d10 So plus deafened 1d4 minutes, DC 15]) Offensive Abilities: oversized maw, swallow whole (1d6+10 A, EAC 17, KAC 15, 18 HP) Str: +5 Dex: +3 Con: +2 Wis: -2 Int: +0 Cha: +0 Skills: Athletics +11 (+19 to climb), Intimidate +16, Physical Science +11 Languages: Azlanti, Vesk, Xaarb (can’t speak any language) Gear: frostbite-class zero pistol with 1 battery (20 charges), screamer grenades I (2)
Bone Trooper Commando CR: 7 XP: 3200 NE Medium undead Init.: +8 Senses: Darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +14 HP: 126 EAC: 19 KAC: 21 Fort: +9 Ref: +9 Will: +11 Speed: 30 ft. Melee: standard taclash +17 (1d4+12 S) Ranged: tactical seeker rifle +16 (2d8+9 P) or flash grenade II +17 (explode [10 ft., blinded 1d4 rounds, DC 15]) Offensive Abilities: Str: +5 Dex: +4 Con:Wis: +0 Int: +0 Cha: +2 Skills: Acrobatics +14, Athletics +19, Stealth +14 Languages: Common, Eoxian Gear: vesk overplate I, tactical seeker rifle with 32 longarm rounds, standard taclash, flash grenades II (2), personal comm unit
Reklan CR: 7 XP: 3200 N Small magical beast Init.: +5 Senses: blindsense (thought) 120 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception: +14 HP: 110 EAC: 19 KAC: 21 Fort: +9 Ref: +11 Will: +7 Speed: 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (Su, average), swim 40 ft. Melee: spiny tentacle +18 (2d8+7 P) or bite +18 (2d6+11 P) Ranged: spine barrage +18 (2d8+7 P) Offensive Abilities: Str: +4 Dex: +5 Con: +2 Wis: +1 Int: -3 Cha: +0 Skills: Acrobatics +14, Athletics +14 (+22 to climb or swim), Stealth +19