initiative: +5
ref_save: +5
type: creature

Found 1 matches

Tiefling CR: 2 XP: 600 LE Medium outsider (native) Init.: +5 Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +8 HP: 23 EAC: 13 KAC: 14 Fort: +0 Ref: +5 Will: +3 Speed: 30 ft. Melee: tactical baton +8 (1d4+1 B) Ranged: tactical semi-auto pistol +8 (1d6 P) or tactical shirren-eye rifle +8 (1d10 P) Offensive Abilities: fiendish gloom, trick attack +1d4 Str: +1 Dex: +4 Con: +0 Wis: +0 Int: +2 Cha: +0 Skills: Acrobatics +13, Athletics +8, Bluff +13, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8 (+12 with trick attack) Languages: Akitonian, Common, Eoxian, Infernal Gear: second skin (jump jets), tactical semi-auto pistol with 45 small arm rounds, tactical baton, tactical shirren-eye rifle with 25 sniper rounds