level_requirement: 1
type: ability

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[Level: 1]

A weapon with the defiant fusion resists efforts to be removed from its wielder. If you are wielding it when you are knocked unconscious, panicked, or stunned, it stays in your hand. You also gain a bonus to your KAC against combat maneuvers to disarm the weapon equal to one-fifth the weapon’s level (minimum +1).

[Level: 1]

The durable fusion uses magical runes and reinforcements to significantly increase a weapon’s toughness. When determining a weapon’s hardness, Hit Points, and saving throws, treat its item level as being 5 higher. For more about calculating these values, see Breaking Objects on page 409.

[Level: 1]

As a standard action, a weapon with the glamered fusion can be commanded to change its appearance to assume the form of another object of similar size. The weapon retains all its properties (including bulk) when disguised but does not radiate magic. Only true seeing or similar magic reveals the true nature of a glamered weapon while it is in disguise. After a glamered weapon is used to make an attack, this fusion is suppressed for 1 minute.

[Level: 1]

The illuminating fusion causes a weapon to gain the bright weapon special property (see page 181). You can deactivate this fusion as a move action, in which case the weapon acts as if it does not have the bright property until it is reactivated (which also requires a move action).

[Level: 1]

A weapon with the ominous fusion trails a shadowy haze behind it and moans a menacing dirge in battle. The weapon gains intimidation as a critical hit effect. If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon’s normal critical hit effect or the intimidation effect. A target affected by the intimidation critical hit effect is shaken for 1d4 rounds (Fortitude save negates). A creature that gains the shaken condition from a weapon with the ominous fusion can’t gain that condition again from the same weapon for 24 hours.

[Level: 1]

You can add this fusion only to a weapon that has the thrown weapon special property. A returning weapon flies through the air back to you after you make a thrown ranged attack with it. It returns to you just before your next turn (and is therefore ready to use again in that turn). Catching the weapon when it comes back takes no action. If you can’t catch it, or if you have moved since throwing it, the weapon drops to the ground in the square from which you threw it.

[Level: 1]

A weapon with the trailblazer fusion manages to alter the nature of its attacks to overcome the penalties of some natural environmental effects. Its attacks ignore the cover provided by bogs and the cover creatures submerged at least chest deep in water receive from attacks made from the surface. Fire damage dealt by the weapon to underwater targets does half normal damage (rather than the normal one-quarter), and other attacks made underwater deal full damage (rather than the normal half damage).
Additionally, ranged attack rolls with the weapon don’t take a penalty due to the effects of storms, strong and severe winds, or windstorms. It can even be used to make ranged attacks in severe storms as if they were typical storms and in hurricane- force winds as if they were strong winds.

See Biomes on page 396 for more information on environments that impose attack penalties, and see Underwater Combat on page 405 for rules on attacking submerged targets.

[Level: 1]

A weapon with the anchoring fusion has a chance to immobilize its targets. The weapon gains immobilization as a critical hit effect. If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, choose each time whether to apply the weapon’s normal critical hit effect or the immobilization effect. A target affected by the immobilization critical hit effect is unable to move from its space under its own power for 1d4 rounds. It cannot use any form of movement, including teleportation effects, to change its position. If the target is entirely contained in a mobile object (such as a starship or large vehicle), the target is immobile relative to its location within that object. Other creatures and forces can move the target normally.

[Level: 1]

A weapon with the hybridized fusion replaces much of its technological functions with magic counterparts. It gains the analog weapon special property (see page 180), and the core function of the weapon is considered to be a hybrid of magic and technology (rather than only the fusion counting as a hybrid item). A hybridized weapon still consumes ammunition and battery charges normally.