level_requirement: 1
type: ability

Found 89 matches

Rune of the Eldritch Knight
[Level: 1]

You can imbue a weapon with a magic sigil, the rune of the eldritch knight, allowing the weapon to act as a magic weapon for the purposes of bypassing DR and affecting incorporeal creatures. This takes 10 minutes, and you can imbue only a single weapon at a time. If you imbue a new weapon with the rune of the eldritch knight, any previously imbued weapon loses this benefit. When calculating the Hit Points and hardness of a weapon imbued with the rune of the eldritch knight, treat its item level as 5 higher.

Hammer Fist
[Level: 1]

You treat any unarmed attack you make while wearing heavy or powered armor as being made with a battleglove (see page 187) with an item level equal to or lower than your soldier level, and you calculate damage for these attacks as if you had the melee striker gear boost (see page 112). If you have the melee striker gear boost, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with your unarmed attacks when using this ability. These unarmed attacks don’t benefit from other abilities that apply specifically to unarmed attacks (such as the Improved Unarmed Strike feat).

Rapid Response
[Level: 1]

You gain a +4 bonus to initiative checks and increase your land speed by 10 feet.

Grenade Expert
[Level: 1]

You increase the range increment of your thrown grenades by 5 × your Strength bonus. In addition, you’re able to salvage enough materials to create a grenade without paying for it. Creating a grenade takes 10 minutes. You can create any grenade whose item level is less than or equal to your soldier level, but this grenade is unstable and only you can use it effectively. If anyone else tries to use the grenade, it is a dud. You can have only one grenade created by this ability at one time (if you create a new grenade using this ability, the old grenade no longer works).

Armor Training
[Level: 1]

You reduce the armor check penalty of armor you wear by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increase the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by your armor by 1.

Opening Volley
[Level: 1]

You gain Opening Volley as a bonus feat. If you already have this feat, choose a bonus combat feat instead. At 9th level, you can use Opening Volley on both your first and second turns in combat.

Sniper’s Aim
[Level: 1]

When you make a ranged attack against a target with cover, reduce the AC bonus from cover by 2. You can’t use sniper’s aim against an enemy with total cover.

Spell Cache
[Level: 1]

As the culmination of your early study of the fundamental forces of the galaxy, you have created a spell cache that allows you to store and access spells. Your spell cache could be a device such as a handheld computer or technological implant; an item such as a ring or staff; or a symbol such as a brand, tattoo, or other permanent modification to your body. While you don’t need your spell cache to cast your spells, once per day, you can activate your spell cache to cast any one spell you know and are capable of casting, even if you’ve expended all your spell slots for that spell’s level.

If your spell cache is damaged, it is restored to full Hit Points the next time you prepare spells. If the spell cache is lost or destroyed, you can replace it after 1 week with a special ritual that takes 8 hours to complete.

Opening Volley
[Level: 1]

You gain Opening Volley as a bonus feat. If you already have this feat, choose a bonus combat feat instead. At 9th level, you can use Opening Volley on both your first and second turns in combat.

[Level: 1]

A weapon with the called fusion can be teleported to its owner’s hand as a swift action, even if the weapon is in the possession of another creature. This ability has a maximum range of 100 feet, and effects that block teleportation prevent the return of a called weapon. A weapon with the called fusion must be in your possession for at least 24 hours for this ability to function.