level_requirement: 12
type: ability

Found 17 matches

Greater Emotionsense
[Level: 12]

Your emotionsense is far more discerning, as if you had blindsight (emotion); see page 262.

Channel Bond
[Level: 12]

When you use healing channel as a standard action, you can heal an ally linked by your telepathic bond class feature as if you were touching that ally, as long as the ally is within 120 feet. When you use healing channel as a full action, it heals all allies linked by your telepathic bond class feature within 120 feet (as well as all other allies within 30 feet).

Starry Bond
[Level: 12]

You can share the good fortune of your stargazer class feature with your allies. Whenever an ally linked by your telepathic bond class feature fails an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to enable your ally to reroll the failed check (see page 243). This ability otherwise functions as the stargazer class feature.

Telepathic Memories
[Level: 12]

You can share memories at will with allies linked by your telepathic bond class feature. As a full action, you or a linked ally can send a memory of up to 1 minute to as many others in the bond as they choose. Sending a relevant memory counts as a successful aid another attempt for a skill check, even if you wouldn’t otherwise be able to use aid another (to a limit of one such memory per skill check).

Jealous Overlord
[Level: 12]

When an ally linked by your telepathic bond class feature is subject to mind-affecting effect that issues commands, as a reaction you can issue a countermand allowing the linked ally to act normally. When you do, attempt an opposed Charisma check against the originator of the mind-affecting effect; if you succeed, your ally can act normally.

Share Resistance
[Level: 12]

As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to grant allies linked by your telepathic bond class feature resistance 5 to the same energy type that you can resist through your reactive resistance class feature for 1 minute. You can’t use this ability if your reactive resistance class feature has not yet been activated for the day.