level_requirement: 14
type: ability

Found 17 matches

Uncanny Senses
[Level: 14]

Your enhanced senses grow even more discerning. Your blindsense becomes blindsight with a range of 60 feet. If you have darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet. You must have the enhanced senses exploit to learn this exploit.

Gravity Shield
[Level: 14]

As a move action, you can create a minor shield of compressed gravity waves, granting you a +1 circumstance bonus to your AC. The shield lasts for 1 round or until you leave graviton mode.
When you are attuned or fully attuned, as a move action, you can create a disk of massive gravitational energies that is capable of deflecting incoming attacks. Choose one edge of your space. The shield extends along three continuous edges in a straight line centered on the chosen edge. The shield provides cover against attacks coming from its far side, but not against attacks originating from the side you’re on. If you move, you can reposition your shield as part of your move action, moving it to a different edge of your space. You must use one of your hands to direct and maintain an active gravity shield. You cannot use this version of the gravity shield at the same time you use this revelation to gain a circumstance bonus to your AC. This gravity shield also lasts 1 round or until you leave graviton mode.

[Level: 14]

As a standard action, you can fire a bolt of concentrated solar energy at one target within long range (400 feet + 40 feet per solarian level you have) as a ranged attack targeting the foe’s EAC. If you hit, you deal 9d6 fire damage. If you have a solarian crystal (see Solarian Weapon Crystals on page 170) that changes the type of damage dealt by a solar weapon, you can use it to change the type of damage you deal with your sunbolt. Once you have used this revelation, you can’t use it again until the next time you regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.

When you are attuned or fully attuned, you gain a +2 bonus to your ranged attack roll to use this revelation.

Phase Shot
[Level: 14]

As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to fire a single shot from a ranged weapon at a target known to you within range. The shot travels straight to the target, passing through any nonmagical barrier in its way, ignoring hardness and Hit Points (any magical barrier, such as a wall of force, stops the shot). This ability negates cover and concealment modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally.

Quickened Spell
[Level: 14]

You can cast a spell as a move action. You can spend 2 Resolve Points to cast a quickened 0-level spell or 4 Resolve Points to cast a quickened 1st-level spell. You can quicken only spells with a casting time of 1 full action or shorter. At 16th level, you can spend 6 Resolve Points to cast a quickened 2nd-level spell.

Rain of Fire
[Level: 14]

Once per day as a full action, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to shoot a ranged weapon at multiple targets within range; the maximum number of targets is equal to half your technomancer level or the number of shots in your weapon, whichever is lower. Each attack uses your highest attack bonus, and each enemy can be targeted only by a single shot.

Spell Library
[Level: 14]

You gain one extra spell known for each level of spell you can cast. You must choose the new spells when you gain this magic hack. If you gain access to a higher level of spell after choosing this hack, you gain one extra spell known for that spell level.