level_requirement: 6
type: ability

Found 44 matches

Hypnotic Glow
[Level: 6]

As a standard action, you can convince one living creature that you are to be trusted. This functions as charm person (see page 342), but with a duration of 1 round per solarian level you have. When the effect ends, if you are out of line of sight and the target is not engaged in an activity it wouldn’t have begun without being charmed, the target does not realize it was charmed or has acted unusually unless someone else points it out. You can’t use this revelation again while you currently have a creature charmed via this ability, and once you’ve attempted to charm a creature, whether or not the attempt was successful, you can’t charm the same creature again for 24 hours. Your influence over the creature ends once the duration has expired, and at that time the target likely ceases doing anything you’ve requested of it. At 9th level, hypnotic glow functions as charm monster (see page 342).

When you are attuned or fully attuned and you successfully charm a creature using this ability, you can also command it to approach, flee, or halt on its next turn, as per the command spell (no save; see page 343).

[Level: 6]

You can reflect ranged attacks back at your enemies. If you took the total defense action on your last turn, or if you were fighting defensively and spend 1 Resolve Point, as a reaction you can redirect a ranged attack that misses you. Select a new target within 30 feet and make a ranged attack roll with a –4 penalty. If your attack hits, the new target is damaged as if it had been the intended target of the original ranged attack.

When you are attuned or fully attuned, you don't take a –4 penalty to your redirected attack roll.

Cache Capacitor
[Level: 6]

You expand your spell cache into a cache capacitor. As part of regaining your spells each day, you can cast a single spell into your spell cache and have it affect you continuously for 24 hours. The cache capacitor can hold any of the following spells: detect radiation, disguise self, keen senses, or unseen servant. You must know a spell to store it in your cache capacitor. When you cast the spell into your cache capacitor, you expend the spell slot normally and make any decisions required for that spell, but the duration doesn’t expire for 24 hours. If the spell in your cache capacitor is dispelled or dismissed, you can spend 5 minutes of uninterrupted concentration to reestablish it, keeping the same decisions you made when you cast it, and gaining whatever duration the spell had remaining. You can’t exchange the stored spell for another spell until you again regains your spells.

At 12th level, your cache capacitor gains a second slot that can hold darkvision, lesser resistant armor, life bubble, or spider climb. At 18th level, your cache capacitor gains a third slot that can hold arcane sight, flight (spell level 3rd or lower), see invisibility,
or tongues.

[Level: 6]

With the knockdown fusion, a weapon disrupts a target’s center of gravity. The weapon gains the knockdown critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon’s normal critical hit effect or the knockdown effect. Only weapons that deal bludgeoning damage can benefit from this fusion.