type: creature

Found 219 matches

Quorlu CR: 2 XP: 600 N Medium monstrous (humanoid) Init.: +0 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Perception: +12 HP: 23 EAC: 13 KAC: 14, +4 vs. bull rush, reposition, trip Fort: +3 Ref: +1 Will: +7, +2 vs. bleed Speed: 25 ft. Melee: mk 1 heat-amp gauntlet +9 (1d6+2 B & F; critical burn 1d4) Ranged: static arc pistol +7 (1d6+2 E; critical arc 2) Offensive Abilities: None Str: +0 Dex: +0 Con: +4 Wis: +0 Int: +1 Cha: +2 Skills: Athletics +7, Computers +7, Diplomacy +12, Physical Science +12, Sense Motive +12 Languages: Common, Quorlu Gear: freebooter armor I, heat-amp gauntlet, static arc pistol with 2 batteries (20 charges each)
Shantak CR: 8 XP: 4800 CE Huge magical (beast) Init.: +2 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Perception: +16 HP: 125 EAC: 20 KAC: 22 Fort: +12 Ref: +12 Will: +7 Speed: 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (Su, average) Melee: bite +20 (3d4+14 P) or talons +20 (3d4+14 S plus grab) Ranged: None Offensive Abilities: None Str: +6 Dex: +2 Con: +4 Wis: +2 Int: -1 Cha: +0 Skills: Acrobatics +21, Piloting +16 (to navigate only) Languages: Aklo
Shipmind CR: 13 XP: 25600 CE Huge ooze Init.: +6 Senses: blindsight (life) 60 ft., detect alignment Perception: +23 HP: 225 EAC: 27 KAC: 29 Fort: +15 Ref: +17 Will: +10 Speed: 0 ft. (10 ft. outside of container) Melee: slam +26 (3d12+21 B plus grab and thought disruption) Ranged: plasma bolt +23 (5d6+13 E & F; critical burn 1d10) Offensive Abilities: immerse Str: +8 Dex: +6 Con: +4 Wis: +4 Int: +3 Cha: +3 Skills: Computers +23, Engineering +23, Mysticism +23, Piloting +28, Sense Motive +23 Languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Drow, Infernal; telepathy 60 ft.
Shotalashu CR: 2 XP: 600 N Large magical (beast) Init.: +4 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Perception: +12 HP: 25 EAC: 13 KAC: 15 Fort: +6 Ref: +6 Will: +1 Speed: 60 ft. Melee: claws +11 (1d6+3 S) Ranged: None Offensive Abilities: None Str: +1 Dex: +4 Con: +2 Wis: +1 Int: -3 Cha: +0 Skills: Acrobatics +7, Perception +12, Stealth +7 Languages: Lashunta (can’t speak)
Siege Robot CR: 15 XP: 51200 N Huge construct (technological) Init.: +7 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, sense through (vision [foliage, gas, and smoke only]) 60 ft. Perception: +26 HP: 330 EAC: 29 KAC: 31 Fort: +15 Ref: +15 Will: +11 Speed: 60 ft., fly 20 ft. (Ex, clumsy), limited flight Melee: None Ranged: elite x-gen gun +29 (4d12+15 B & P) or heavy stellar cannon +29 (4d12+15 P; critical wound [DC 21]) or IMDS missile launcher +29 (13d8+15 B & F) Offensive Abilities: autoload Str: +9 Dex: +7 Con:Wis: +5 Int: +1 Cha: +0 Skills: Acrobatics +26 (+18 to fly), Engineering +26, Piloting +31 Languages: Common Gear: elite x-gen gun with 400 heavy rounds, heavy stellar cannon with 800 scattergun shells, IMDS missile launcher with 2 advanced missiles
Small Herd Animal CR: 1 XP: 135 N Small animal Init.: +2 Senses: low-light vision Perception: +3 HP: 6 EAC: 10 KAC: 12 Fort: +2 Ref: +3 Will: +1 Speed: 30 ft. Melee: natural weapon +2 (1d4 B) Ranged: None Offensive Abilities: None Str: -2 Dex: +2 Con: +0 Wis: +1 Int: -4 Cha: -2 Skills: Acrobatics +3
Small Predator CR: 1 XP: 135 N Small animal Init.: +2 Senses: low-light vision Perception: +3 HP: 6 EAC: 10 KAC: 12 Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +1 Speed: 30 ft. Melee: natural weapon +3 (1d4 P or S) Ranged: None Offensive Abilities: None Str: -2 Dex: +2 Con: +0 Wis: +1 Int: -4 Cha: -2 Skills: Acrobatics +3, Athletics +3, Stealth +3
Squox CR: 1 XP: 135 N Tiny animal Init.: +3 Senses: blindsense (scent) 30 ft., low-light vision Perception: +3 HP: 6 EAC: 11 KAC: 11 Fort: +1 Ref: +4 Will: +0 Speed: 40 ft., climb 20 ft. Melee: bite +3 (1d4 P) Ranged: None Offensive Abilities: squox tricks Str: -3 Dex: +3 Con: +0 Wis: +0 Int: -4 Cha: +1 Skills: Acrobatics +7 (+11 to balance, escape, or tumble), Athletics +3 (+11 to climb), Stealth +7
Swarm Mindreaper CR: 7 XP: 3200 CE Medium monstrous (humanoid) Init.: +4 Senses: blindsense (vibration) 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +19 HP: 90 EAC: 18 KAC: 19 Fort: +6 Ref: +8 Will: +12 Speed: 30 ft., climb 20 ft. Melee: arm spike +14 (1d8+8 P; critical staggered [DC 17]) Ranged: None Offensive Abilities: trepan Str: +1 Dex: +4 Con: +2 Wis: +5 Int: +1 Cha: -1 Skills: Athletics +14 (+22 to climb), Mysticism +19, Stealth +14 Languages: Shirren; telepathy 100 ft.
Tashtari Alpha CR: 7 XP: 3200 N Medium magical (beast) Init.: +5 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Perception: +14 HP: 105 EAC: 19 KAC: 21 Fort: +11 Ref: +11 Will: +6 Speed: 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Melee: bite +15 (2d6+11 P) Ranged: muzzle beam +18 (2d6+7 F; critical burn 1d6) Offensive Abilities: bristle nova Str: +4 Dex: +5 Con: +2 Wis: +1 Int: +1 Cha: -1 Skills: Acrobatics +14, Athletics +14 (+22 to climb), Stealth +19