type: ability

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Menacing Gaze
Prerequisites: Intimidate

When you attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize foes, you can forgo your expertise die to attempt to briefly demoralize a small group as a full action. You attempt an Intimidate check against foes within 60 feet, no two of which can be more than 20 feet apart. The DC of this check is equal to the highest DC to demoralize any one of the foes. If you are successful, the targets gain the shaken condition (see page 277) for 1 round (even if your result exceeded the DC by 5 or more). Once you use this ability against a creature, it is immune to this talent for 24 hours.

Rattling Presence
Prerequisites: Intimidate

When you attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize an opponent, you can forgo rolling your expertise die to automatically increase the duration of the shaken condition by 1 round on a successful check. At 9th level, you instead increase the duration by 2 rounds on a success when using this talent.

Skilled Linguist
Prerequisites: Culture

You can speak and read a number of bonus languages equal to your ranks in Culture. Additionally, when you attempt a Culture check to decipher writing, you can forgo your expertise die to attempt the check as a full action (rather than the normal 1 minute) per approximately 250 words of writing or fewer.

Slick Customer
Prerequisites: Diplomacy

When you attempt a Diplomacy check, you can choose not to roll your expertise die until later. After you determine what the check’s result would be, you can choose to either roll your expertise die and add it to the total or forgo the expertise die and reroll the check (see page 243). At 9th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to both reroll the check and add the result of your expertise die.

Student of Technology
Prerequisites: Engineering

As long as you have the time to do so, you can take 20 (see page 133) on Engineering checks to identify creatures and technology, even if you do not have access to a computer terminal or other means of research. If the creature or technology was created by a group or individual you are familiar with (normally including any major corporation or military), on a successful check you also identify what group created the object identified.

Prerequisites: Medicine

You can use Medicine to treat deadly wounds on a patient once each day in addition to the normal allowances for the medical equipment you are using. Because performing this level of advanced medicine is difficult and time consuming, the DC for this additional treatment increases by 5 and the skill check takes 1 hour.

Well Informed
Prerequisites: Diplomacy

You keep yourself as up to date as possible about the events and major figures of any region you are in. Once you have been in a settlement or region for at least 24 hours, when you attempt a Diplomacy check to gather information, you can forgo your expertise die to attempt the check as a swift action (rather than the normal 1d4 hours).

Weapon Specialization
[Level: 3]

You gain the Weapon Specialization feat as a bonus feat for each weapon type with which this class grants you proficiency.

True Expertise
[Level: 20]

You gain total mastery over one of your envoy improvisations and can use it with but a thought. When you gain this ability, choose one improvisation you know that has an effect when you spend 1 Resolve Point.

As long as you have at least 1 Resolve Point remaining, you can gain the improvisation’s effect without spending the Resolve Point. This ability has no benefit if the improvisation requires more than 1 Resolve Point.

In addition, when you roll your expertise die, you can add 2d8 rather than 1d8+4 to the result of your skill check. If, for some reason, your bonus gained from expertise isn’t 1d8+4, you can’t use this option.

Visual Data Processor
[Level: 2]

You notice even the smallest shifts in movement, temperature, and vibration, gaining the insight bonus from your bypass class feature to Perception skill checks.