type: ability

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[Level: 2]

You have augmented the performance of your AI for maximum response timing. You gain a +2 insight bonus to initiative checks, and either you (if you have an exocortex) or your drone (if you have a drone) gains a +2 insight bonus to Reflex saves.

Overload Weapon
[Level: 2]

As a full action or as a move action by spending 1 Resolve Point, you can cause a powered weapon (either a ranged energy weapon or a melee weapon with the powered special property) in your possession to explode. You can use the weapon as if it were a grenade of the weapon’s item level or lower dealing the weapon’s normal damage type, except the weapon has a range increment of only 10 feet unless it is a thrown weapon. If someone tries to attack with the weapon, it explodes as a grenade would instead, centered on the user, and the user doesn’t receive a Reflex save to negate the grenade’s effect (if any). Once you’ve primed a weapon to explode in this way, it’s difficult to reverse the effect, requiring 8 hours of work and a successful Engineering check (DC = 15 + your Engineering bonus); failing the check by 5 or more detonates the weapon. Once detonated, the weapon is destroyed, just like a grenade.

Portable Power
[Level: 2]

You can use your custom rig to supply limited power for up to 1 minute to a computer or starship system that lacks power. If this system is part of a much larger network, this trick does not supply power to the entire network, just to a limited point of access (typically a terminal), which might greatly limit functionality. Once you have used portable power on a system, you cannot do so again on that system for 24 hours.

Quick Patch
[Level: 2]

When you attempt to patch a system on a starship, you reduce the number of actions required to do so by one. This does not reduce the time needed to patch a glitching system, but you can patch two systems with one action.

Quick Repair
[Level: 2]

When you attempt to repair an item, you can do so in half the time normally required (to a minimum of a full action).

Ghost Intrusion
[Level: 8]

Whenever you use the Computers skill to access a system and you fail to overcome its defenses by 4 or less, you do not trigger any countermeasures and there is no log of your attempt. If you fail by 5 or more, any countermeasures take effect against you as normal.

Repair Drone
[Level: 2]

When you spend 10 minutes to repair your drone, you repair 25% of its maximum Hit Points instead of 10%. You must have a drone to learn this trick.

Boost Shield
[Level: 8]

Your energy shield grants you a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your Intelligence modifier + double your mechanic level. In addition, if you have already used your shield, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to use it again without having to regain Stamina Points first. This replenishes your shield’s temporary Hit Points to full. You must have the energy shield mechanic trick to learn this trick.

Improved Overcharge
[Level: 8]

The additional damage of the overcharge mechanic trick increases to 2d6. You must have the overcharge mechanic trick to learn this trick

Drone Meld
[Level: 8]

Drone Meld (Ex)
As a full action while in contact with your drone, you can reconfigure it into a mechanical drone suit (or a backpack-like apparatus, for the Tiny hover drone) that you can wear. While in this form, the drone can’t take any actions or use any of its abilities, but you gain either the drone’s flight system mods if you have a hover drone, reactive camouflage (and an invisibility field if your drone has it) if you have a stealth drone, or reductive plating if you have a combat drone. You can end the meld and return the drone to its normal form as a full action. Though it normally acts on your turn just after you, the drone can take no actions on that turn other than transforming back.