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Riding Saddle
[Level: 1]

Your drone is equipped with a seat and programming to carry a rider as a combat-trained mount. If you ride your drone, it must be at least your size or larger. To carry another rider, the drone must be at least one size larger than the rider. You can direct your drone mount in battle without attempting Survival checks.

Skill Subroutines
[Level: 1]

Choose another skill from the skill unit list. This is a class skill for your drone, which gains a number of ranks in that skill equal to your mechanic level. Your drone also increases its Intelligence score by 2. At 11th level, you can choose this mod a second time as an advanced mod. If you do, choose an additional skill to become a class skill for your drone (this skill doesn’t have to be on the skill unit list). Your drone gains ranks in the skill equal to your mechanic level. Your drone also increases its Intelligence score again by 2.

Smuggler’s Compartment
[Level: 1]

Your drone has a secret compartment that can hold a single item of light bulk or smaller. A successful Perception check (DC = 15 + your mechanic level) is needed to notice or find the compartment. Accessing this compartment is a move action.

Extra Ammo
[Level: 1]

One of your drone’s weapon mounts can hold two additional batteries, magazines, or other type of ammunition in addition to its usual weapon and ammunition capacity. Your drone must have the weapon mount mod before selecting this mod. You can select this mod more than once, up to the number of weapon mounts the drone has.

Enhanced Armor
[Level: 1]

Your drone gains a +2 bonus to its AC. At 11th level, you can choose this mod a second time as an advanced mod.

Armor Slot
[Level: 1]

Your drone gains an armor upgrade slot for an armor upgrade (see page 204). If you do not already have an armor upgrade to install, you must purchase one separately. You can install the armor upgrade only if your drone has enough open upgrade slots to meet the upgrade’s requirements. You can select this mod up to four times, each time adding an additional slot.

Weapon Proficiency
[Level: 1]

Your drone gains one of the following feats as a bonus feat (it must meet all the prerequisites of the chosen feat): Advanced Melee Weapon Proficiency, Basic Melee Weapon Proficiency, Heavy Weapon Proficiency, Longarm Proficiency, Small Arm Proficiency, or Special Weapon Proficiency. You can select this mod multiple times; each time, your drone gains another of the available proficiency feats as a bonus feat.

Weapon Mount
[Level: 1]

You can affix a small arm or another one-handed ranged weapon on your drone, allowing it to wield that weapon and attack with it. This weapon cannot be disarmed. Mounting a longarm, a heavy weapon, or another two-handed ranged weapon requires two weapon mounts. A weapon mount can hold up to two batteries, two magazines, or two of another type of ammunition for the affixed weapon, provided this ammunition is of light bulk or less. Multiple weapon mounts used to affix a single two-handed weapon count as a single weapon mount for the purpose of how much ammunition it can hold. The drone reloads these batteries or magazines automatically, which takes the usual amount of time for the weapon. Spent batteries or magazines are stored within the drone. You can replace all of a weapon mount’s batteries or magazines as a move action. You must purchase separately or already have the weapon and ammunition for use with a weapon mount. You can replace the weapon with any other weapon that meets the criteria for your mount (for example, if you have two weapon mounts, you could replace a longarm with a heavy weapon). Swapping out a weapon in a weapon mount requires use of your custom rig and 1 hour of work. You can select this mod multiple times, each time adding an additional weapon mount to the drone.

Cargo Rack
[Level: 1]

Your drone is outfitted with cargo space. The drone’s Strength score counts as 4 higher for the purpose of how determining much bulk it can carry, but all of this extra bulk must be stored gear and cargo, not mounted weapons, armor mods, or the like. This does not affect the drone’s actual Strength score in any way, merely how much it can carry. Due to its size, a drone might still be unable to carry awkward or unwieldy items.

Shock Wave
[Level: 11]

Whenever your drone is reduced to fewer than 10 HP, it immediately shuts down and unleashes a shock wave of electricity as a reaction (even if it is deactivated or destroyed by the attack). This deals 1d6 electricity damage per level to every creature within 10 feet (except the drone). An affected creature can attempt a Reflex save to take half damage (DC = 10 + half your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier).