type: ability

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Mind Probe
[Level: 9]

You can use mind probe as a spell-like ability a number of
times per day equal to your mystic level, lasting for 1 round. A creature that successfully saves against your mind probe is immune to further uses of this ability for 24 hours.

Telepathic Memories
[Level: 12]

You can share memories at will with allies linked by your telepathic bond class feature. As a full action, you or a linked ally can send a memory of up to 1 minute to as many others in the bond as they choose. Sending a relevant memory counts as a successful aid another attempt for a skill check, even if you wouldn’t otherwise be able to use aid another (to a limit of one such memory per skill check).

Memory Palace
[Level: 15]

You assemble an extradimensional library to house mental constructs representing your accumulated knowledge. This memory palace has a single shimmering entrance. You can access your memory palace once per day; when you do, the entrance appears within close range. If any creatures or objects that were not part of the memory palace when it was created remain inside it, the entrance remains where it first appeared. Only those you designate can enter the memory palace, and the entrance closes and becomes invisible behind you when you enter. Anyone inside can open the entrance and exit the memory palace at will. The only way to enter and exit the memory palace is via the entrance; even plane shift and similar magic do not access it.

You can create any floor plan you desire for your memory palace, up to a number of 10-foot cubes equal to your mystic level. Inside, the atmosphere is clean, fresh, and warm; outside conditions don’t affect the memory palace, nor do conditions inside it pass beyond. There is no furniture other than bookcases, computers, and a few desks and sofas. A number of unseen servants (as per the spell of the same name) equal to half your mystic level serve as librarians. The library keeps the same layout each time you access it, though you can alter its appearance each time you gain a level or by spending 15 minutes concentrating—you don’t need to be inside it to alter it.

When you gain this ability, choose one skill that can be used with the recall knowledge task. Consulting your memory palace gives anyone who studies within—including you—a +4 enhancement bonus to skill checks to recall knowledge of that type, and creatures inside the memory palace can attempt checks of that type untrained. At 16th level, and at each level thereafter, choose another skill that can be used with the recall knowledge task to which your memory palace’s skill bonus applies.

[Level: 1]

As a full action, you can attempt a Sense Motive check to read the emotions of a particular creature (DC = 20 or 10 + its Bluff modifier, whichever is higher). If you succeed, you learn its general disposition and attitude toward creatures within 30 feet of it, and you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks against that creature for 1 hour. Whether you succeed or fail, after opening your mind to read emotions, you take a –2 penalty to saving throws against mind-affecting effects for 1 minute.

[Level: 6]

You can detect and locate creatures within 60 feet that have emotions, as if you had blindsense (emotion); see page 262. A creature can keep its emotions calm to avoid detection by this ability by succeeding at a Bluff check with a DC equal to 10 + your Sense Motive modifier, but a creature under the influence of an emotion effect cannot try to avoid detection. Creatures under the effects of nondetection or similar effects automatically avoid detection by this ability. Unless otherwise stated, constructs and creatures with Intelligence scores of 2 or lower don’t have emotions and can’t be sensed this way.

Discern Lies
[Level: 9]

You can use discern lies as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to your mystic level, each time targeting a single creature. This effect lasts 1 round. Once a creature successfully saves against this ability, it becomes immune to further uses of this ability for 24 hours.

[Level: 15]

You can use retrocognition as a spell-like ability at will. When doing so, you take a –2 penalty to saving throws against mind-affecting effects for as long as you concentrate on retrocognition and an equal amount of time afterward. You can spend 1 Resolve Point to negate this penalty.

Empathic Mastery
[Level: 18]

You can spend 1 Resolve Point to use psychic surgery as a spell-like ability. If you are incapacitated by an effect that psychic surgery could remove and have at least 1 Resolve Point remaining, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to use this ability on yourself, even without being able to take any actions.

Healing Channel
[Level: 1]

You can heal yourself and your allies. You can spend 1 Resolve Point to channel this energy. Healing yourself with channeled energy is a move action, healing an ally you touch is a standard action, and healing all allies within 30 feet is a full action. This energy restores 2d8 Hit Points and increases by 2d8 at 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter.