source: Starfinder Armory

Found 806 matches

Freeze Ray, Hypothermic
Level: 20 Price: 818,000 Bulk: 2 Damage: 5d12 C Critical:


Range: 50 ft. Capacity: 20 charges Usage: 4 Special:

Line, Unwieldy

Phasing, I Longarm and Sniper Rounds
Level: 7 Price: 820 Bulk: L Damage: — None Critical:


Psychic-Wave Cannon, I
Level: 2 Price: 1,100 Bulk: 2 Damage: 1d6 Critical:


Range: 30 ft. Capacity: 20 charges Usage: 4 Special:

Blast, Living, Mind-affecting, Unwieldy

Wave Modulator, I
Level: 2 Price: 1,080 Bulk: L Damage: 1d4 F|so Critical:

Range: 30 ft. Capacity: 20 charges Usage: 4 Special:

Modal (sonic)

Phasing, II Longarm and Sniper Rounds
Level: 14 Price: 9,420 Bulk: L Damage: — None Critical:


Psychic-Wave Cannon, II
Level: 5 Price: 3,520 Bulk: 2 Damage: 1d12 None Critical:


Range: 40 ft. Capacity: 20 charges Usage: 4 Special:

Blast, Living, Mind-affecting, Unwieldy

Wave Modulator, II
Level: 5 Price: 3,400 Bulk: L Damage: 1d6 F|so Critical:

Range: 30 ft. Capacity: 20 charges Usage: 4 Special:

Modal (sonic)

Psychic-Wave Cannon, III
Level: 11 Price: 28,200 Bulk: 2 Damage: 2d12 None Critical:


Range: 50 ft. Capacity: 20 charges Usage: 4 Special:

Blast, Living, Mind-affecting, Unwieldy

Wave Modulator, III
Level: 8 Price: 11,000 Bulk: L Damage: 2d4 F|so Critical:

Range: 30 ft. Capacity: 20 charges Usage: 4 Special:

Modal (sonic)

Psychic-Wave Cannon, IV
Level: 16 Price: 198,000 Bulk: 2 Damage: 4d12 None Critical:


Range: 50 ft. Capacity: 20 charges Usage: 4 Special:

Blast, Living, Mind-affecting, Unwieldy