type: ability

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Mentalist’s Bane
[Level: 6]

If you fail your Will saving throw against a mind-affecting effect with a duration of 1 round or more, you can attempt another saving throw against the effect 1 round later at the same DC. You get only one extra chance to save per effect.

If you succeed at a saving throw against a charm or compulsion effect, you can prevent the effect’s originator from knowing you succeeded. You gain basic knowledge of what the mental effect would have made you do or feel, and you can attempt a Bluff check to pretend you are under that effect. If the mental effect would provide a link between you and the originator (like the dominate person spell), you can choose to allow the link without the control.

Speed Hacker
[Level: 6]

You can disable mechanical devices with Engineering and computer systems with Computers in half the usual time. In the rare cases when disabling a system or device would normally be a full action, you can do it as a standard action, and if it would normally be a standard action, you can do it as a move action.

Staggering Shot
[Level: 6]

For your debilitating trick, you can attempt to stagger your target. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be staggered until the beginning of your next turn. Once you’ve used this ability to attempt to stagger a creature, that creature is immune to your staggering shot for 24 hours.

[Level: 6]

If you succeed at a Fortitude save against an effect that normally requires multiples successful saves to cure (such as a disease or poison), that effect immediately ends and is cured with a single successful save.

[Level: 6]

You move at your full speed when moving over difficult terrain, and without penalty when using Acrobatics or Stealth at your full speed.

Uncanny Shooter
[Level: 6]

Your ranged attacks with small arms do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Cloaking Field
[Level: 10]

You can bend light around yourself and muffle any minor sounds you make, allowing you to nearly vanish when not moving. Even when you move, you appear only as an outline with blurry features. This cloaking field doesn’t make you invisible, but it does make it easier to sneak around. Activating the cloaking field is a move action. While the cloaking field is active, you can use Stealth to hide, even while being directly observed and with no place to hide. Attacking doesn’t end the cloaking field, but it does end that particular attempt to hide. If you remain perfectly still for at least 1 round, you gain a +10 bonus to Stealth checks (which doesn’t stack with invisibility) until you move.

Your cloaking field lasts for up to 10 rounds before it becomes inactive. While inactive, the cloaking field recharges automatically at the rate of 1 round of cloaking per minute.

Deactivating Shot
[Level: 10]

For your debilitating trick, you can attempt to temporarily suppress one magic item or deactivate one weapon, piece of equipment, or armor upgrade worn or carried by the target. Roll 1d20 + your operative level; the DC is equal to 10 + the item level. If you succeed, you deactivate the device (or suppress the item’s magical properties) until the beginning of your next turn. The device’s owner can spend a move action and attempt an Engineering check (for technological devices) or a Mysticism check (for magic items) against your operative exploit DC to try to reactivate the device.

You can instead use this debilitating trick to temporarily deactivate a construct that has either the magical subtype (such as a golem) or the technological subtype (such as a robot). You don’t need to attempt a check, but the creature can attempt a Fortitude save to negate the debilitating effect. If it fails, it’s stunned until the beginning of your next turn. Once you’ve used this ability to attempt to deactivate a construct, that creature is immune to your deactivating shot for 24 hours.

Elusive Hacker
[Level: 10]

Your hacking skills make your code incredibly difficult for countermeasures to pin down. Whenever you would trigger a system’s countermeasure while hacking the system, there is a 50% chance that you manage to elude the countermeasure and it doesn’t trigger. You still haven’t disarmed the countermeasure, and it might trigger in the future.

Ever Vigilant
[Level: 10]

You’ve been on enough solo missions to know that you can’t let your guard down, even while sleeping. You take no penalties to Perception checks for being asleep, though you still can’t succeed at purely visual Perception checks while asleep. You can always act on the surprise round, though if you choose to do so when you would otherwise be surprised, you use your initiative result or the initiative result of the first creature that would have surprised you – 1, whichever is lower.