type: creature
source: Alien Archive 2

Found 108 matches

Dust Manta CR: 6 XP: 2400 N Large magical (beast) Init.: +5 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, sense through (vision [sand only]) Perception: +13 HP: 90 EAC: 18 KAC: 20 Fort: +10 Ref: +10 Will: +5 Speed: 15 ft., burrow 80 ft. Melee: stinger +17 (1d8+9 P plus dust manta toxin) Ranged: None Offensive Abilities: burrowing charge, sand spit Str: +3 Dex: +5 Con: +2 Wis: +1 Int: -1 Cha: +0 Skills: Acrobatics +13, Athletics +13, Stealth +18
Embri Speaker CR: 10 XP: 9600 LE Medium aberration Init.: +4 Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +19 HP: 140 RP: 5 EAC: 22 KAC: 23 Fort: +9 Ref: +9 Will: +15, +2 vs. enchantment Speed: 30 ft. Melee: claw +16 (2d8+10 S) or buzzblade dueling sword +16 (2d6+10 S) Ranged: aphelion laser pistol +18 (3d4+10 F; critical burn 1d4) Offensive Abilities: echoes of obedience, greater forced amity (DC 21), inexplicable commands Str: +0 Dex: +0 Con: +3 Wis: +8 Int: +0 Cha: +5 Skills: Diplomacy +19, Intimidate +24, Mysticism +24, Sense Motive +24 Languages: Common, Embri, Infernal Gear: platinum AbadarCorp travel suit, aphelion laser pistol with 2 high-capacity batteries (40 charges each), buzzblade dueling sword with 1 battery (20 charges), hivemask
Embri CR: 3 XP: 800 LE Medium aberration Init.: +4 Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +8 HP: 35 EAC: 14 KAC: 15 Fort: +2 Ref: +2 Will: +8, +2 vs. enchantment Speed: 30 ft. Melee: claw +7 (1d4+5 S) Ranged: tactical crossbolter +9 (1d10 P) Offensive Abilities: None Str: +2 Dex: +0 Con: +4 Wis: +0 Int: +1 Cha: +0 Skills: Athletics +13, Computers +13, Engineering +8, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +8 Languages: Common, Embri Gear: tactical crossbolter with 10 arrows, hivemask
Emotivore Mastermind CR: 17 XP: 102400 NE Medium undead (shapechanger) Init.: +5 Senses: blindsense (emotion) 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Perception: +29 HP: 285 RP: 6 EAC: 30 KAC: 31 Fort: +15 Ref: +15 Will: +20 Speed: 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (Su, perfect) Melee: claw +28 (8d6+17 S; critical shaken [see text]) Ranged: banshee sonic pistol +28 (4d8+17 So; critical deafen [DC 24]) Offensive Abilities: backlash (17 damage), feed, mental anguish (DC 26), mindbreaking link (DC 26), mindkiller (DC 26), sow doubt (DC 26, 8 rounds) Str: +0 Dex: +5 Con:Wis: +8 Int: +3 Cha: +11 Skills: Acrobatics +29 (+37 to fly), Bluff +34, Culture +29, Intimidate +29, Mysticism +34, Sense Motive +29 Languages: Common Gear: bespoke echelon fashion, banshee sonic pistol with 2 super-capacity batteries (80 charges each)
Emotivore CR: 9 XP: 6400 NE Medium undead (shapechanger) Init.: +3 Senses: blindsense (emotion) 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Perception: +17 HP: 120 EAC: 21 KAC: 22 Fort: +8 Ref: +8 Will: +12 Speed: 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (Su, perfect) Melee: claw +16 (3d4+9 S; critical shaken [see text]) Ranged: hailstorm-class zero pistol +16 (2d6+9 C; critical staggered [DC 18]) Offensive Abilities: feed Str: +0 Dex: +3 Con:Wis: +4 Int: +1 Cha: +6 Skills: Acrobatics +17 (+25 to fly), Bluff +22, Culture +17, Diplomacy +17, Intimidate +17, Sense Motive +17, Stealth +17 Languages: Common Gear: d-suit III, hailstorm-class zero pistol with 2 high-capacity batteries (40 charges each)
Feral Shotalashu CR: 6 XP: 2400 N Large magical (beast) Init.: +5 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Perception: +18 HP: 90 EAC: 18 KAC: 20 Fort: +10 Ref: +10 Will: +5 Speed: 60 ft. Melee: claws +17 (1d8+8 S) Ranged: None Offensive Abilities: None Str: +2 Dex: +5 Con: +3 Wis: +1 Int: -3 Cha: -1 Skills: Acrobatics +13, Perception +18, Stealth +13 Languages: Lashunta (can’t speak)
Formian Myrmarch CR: 10 XP: 9600 LN Large monstrous (humanoid) Init.: +3 (+7 with hive mind) Senses: blindsense (scent) 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +19 (+23 with hive mind) HP: 165 EAC: 23 KAC: 25 Fort: +12 Ref: +14 Will: +11 Speed: 50 ft. Melee: sting +23 (2d10+18 P plus myrmarch toxin) Ranged: LFD sonic rifle +20 (2d10+10 So; critical deafen [DC 17]) Offensive Abilities: None Str: +8 Dex: +3 Con: +5 Wis: +2 Int: +2 Cha: +2 Skills: Diplomacy +24, Sense Motive +19, Stealth +19 Languages: Common; telepathy 150 ft. Gear: LFD sonic rifle with 2 high-capacity batteries (40 charges each)
Formian Taskmaster CR: 7 XP: 3200 LN Medium monstrous (humanoid) Init.: +2 (+6 with hive mind) Senses: blindsense (scent) 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +14 (+18 with hive mind) HP: 90 EAC: 18 KAC: 19 Fort: +6 Ref: +8 Will: +12 Speed: 40 ft. Melee: stinger +12 (1d8+8 P plus taskmaster toxin) Ranged: thunderstrike streetsweeper +14 (1d10+7 So; critical knockdown) Offensive Abilities: None Str: +1 Dex: +2 Con: +1 Wis: +5 Int: +2 Cha: +4 Skills: Diplomacy +19, Profession (merchant) +19, Sense Motive +14 Languages: Common; telepathy 120 ft. Gear: thunderstrike streetsweeper with 2 high-capacity batteries (40 charges each)
Garaggakal Polymath CR: 14 XP: 38400 CE Large outsider (extraplanar) Init.: +8 Senses: blindsight (emotion) 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., sense through (emotion) 60 ft. Perception: +25 HP: 255 RP: 5 EAC: 28 KAC: 30 Fort: +16 Ref: +16 Will: +14 Speed: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (Su, perfect) Melee: bite +28 (8d6+20 P plus analyzed strike) Ranged: Offensive Abilities: leech life (DC 20) Str: +6 Dex: +8 Con: +4 Wis: +4 Int: +3 Cha: +0 Skills: Acrobatics +30 (+38 to fly), Athletics +25, Stealth +30, Survival +25 Languages: Garaggakal (can’t speak any language); telepathy 100 ft.
Garaggakal CR: 5 XP: 1600 CE Medium outsider (extraplanar) Init.: +5 Senses: blindsight (emotion) 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., sense through (emotion) 60 ft. Perception: +11 HP: 75 RP: 4 EAC: 17 KAC: 19 Fort: +7 Ref: +7 Will: +6 Speed: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (Su, perfect) Melee: bite +12 (2d6+9 P) Ranged: Offensive Abilities: leech life (DC 13) Str: +2 Dex: +5 Con: +3 Wis: +2 Int: +1 Cha: -2 Skills: Acrobatics +16 (+24 to fly), Athletics +11, Stealth +16, Survival +11 Languages: Garaggakal (can’t speak any language); telepathy 100 ft.