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Energize Spell
[Level: 2]

Once per day as a move action, you can use a battery or a weapon’s power cell to power your spellcasting, enabling you to cast one spell you know without using a spell slot. This expends 20 charges per spell level from the battery or power cell and requires you to touch the battery, power cell, or weapon. You must cast the spell before the start of your next turn, or the charges are wasted with no effect.

Fabricate Tech
[Level: 2]

As a full action, you can expend an unused spell slot to temporarily construct a piece of technological gear from raw magic. You can create any single technological item with a level equal to or less than the level of the expended spell slot × 3, to a maximum of your caster level. The item appears in your hands or in an adjacent square. You can use fuse spells with this magic hack. The size of the item cannot exceed 10 bulk or Medium size, and the quality of the item is average. Treat this as a spell of the same level as the expended spell slot. For example, at 4th level, you could expend a 1st-level spell slot to fabricate an item of up to 3rd level, or you could expend a 2nd-level spell slot to fabricate an item of up to 4th level. The item persists for a number of minutes equal to your technomancer level. At the end of this duration, the item disappears. You can’t create armor, weapons, magic items, or items with limited uses or charges (such as batteries, drugs, or fuel) with this hack.

Harmful Spells
[Level: 2]

When you cast an instantaneous spell that deals damage, you can increase the spell’s damage by half your technomancer level. This increased damage applies to all creatures damaged by an area spell, but for spells that target multiple creatures with multiple rays or other attacks (such as magic missile), the increased damage applies only to a single ray or missile. This increased damage doesn’t apply to ongoing damage from the spell (such as bleed or burn). This magic hack doesn’t increase ability damage or other spell effects, only damage to Stamina Points or Hit Points.

Quick Scan
[Level: 2]

As a standard action, you can get a general sense of what information is stored on drives or other digital storage media. You must pass your hand in the air near the data source, but don’t have to touch it or connect to it. The information you get is very general, such as “financial records,” “military records,” or “spells.” Getting detailed information requires interfacing with the data more directly. If you attempt a quick scan on a creature that stores its memories in a digital medium—to get a sense of the memories stored in a robot, for example—the target can attempt a Will save to negate the scan and prevent you from trying against it again for 24 hours.

Robot Influence
[Level: 2]

You can affect constructs, robots, and other creatures that have the technological subtype with your mind-affecting spells, even if they’re mindless or normally immune to such effects. However, they receive a +2 bonus to their Will saves against your mind-affecting spells.

Selective Targeting
[Level: 2]

When you cast an instantaneous spell with an area effect, you can shape the spell so it doesn’t affect one of your allies. Choose one 5-foot square within the spell’s area to be unaffected by the spell. At 5th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to exclude any number of squares with this ability.

Spell Countermeasures
[Level: 2]

You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Technomantic Proficiency
[Level: 2]

As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to temporarily learn how to use a weapon in combat. Choose a single weapon; you gain proficiency with it (and any identical weapon) for a number of minutes equal to your class level. Each round you use the weapon reduces this magic hack’s duration by 1 minute. For example, at 4th level, you could gain proficiency with corona laser rifles for 4 minutes. If you fire such a weapon for 2 rounds, you remain proficient with it for 2 more minutes.

Charging Jolt
[Level: 5]

As a move action, you can expend an unused spell slot to refill charges in a weapon’s power cell. This requires you to touch the weapon or its power cell. The power cell regains 10 charges per spell level, up to its capacity. You can also use this ability to jump-start or short out an electronic device, allowing you to attempt an Engineering check to disable a device with a bonus equal to double the level of the spell you expended.

Debug Spell
[Level: 5]

Any piece of code has bugs, but you can turn the bugs in your spellcode into features. After rolling damage for an instantaneous spell that deals Hit Point damage, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to reroll one die with a result of 1 (see page 243). At 11th level, you can reroll up to two dice with a result of 1, and at 17th level, you can reroll up to three dice with a result of 1. For example, if you were 17th level and cast disintegrate, you could spend 1 Resolve Point to reroll up to three dice that rolled 1s, after rolling and seeing how many 1s you rolled.