type: ability

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Distant Spell
[Level: 5]

When you cast a spell with a range of close, medium, or long, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to double its range. Spells whose ranges are not defined by distance, as well as spells whose ranges are not close, medium, or long, do not benefit from this magic hack. If the spell affects an area, doubling its range doesn’t alter the size of its area.

Extended Spell
[Level: 5]

When you cast a spell, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to double its duration. This has no effect on spells with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, 1 round or less, or permanent, nor can it increase a spell’s duration to more than 24 hours.

Fabricate Arms
[Level: 5]

As a full action, you can expend an unused spell slot to temporarily construct a technological weapon or suit of armor out of raw magic. You can create one suit of armor or weapon with a level equal to or less than the level of the expended spell slot × 3, to a maximum of your caster level. The item appears in your hands, on your person, or in an adjacent square. You can use fuse spells with this magic hack. A weapon can’t be larger than two-handed, and the size of the item can’t exceed 10 bulk. The quality of the item is average for its type. Treat this as a spell of the same level as the expended spell slot. For example, at 10th level, you could expend a 3rd-level spell slot to fabricate a weapon of 9th level or lower, or expend a 4th- level spell slot to fabricate a suit of armor of 10th level or lower. The armor or weapon persists for a number of rounds equal to your technomancer level. At the end of this duration, the item disappears. You are proficient with (but not specialized in) any weapons you create with this ability. You can’t create magic items, weapons made from a special material, or weapons that are expended with use (such as arrows, grenades, or missiles) with this magic hack.

Magic Negation
[Level: 5]

As a standard action, you can spend 1 RP to temporarily suppress magic, as if using dispel magic. Choose either an ongoing spell or a magic item within 30 feet of you. The magical effects of the spell or magic item are suppressed for 1d4 rounds, and then they return. If the spell’s level is higher than you can cast or the item’s caster level is greater than yours, you can’t suppress it. If you target a spell affecting a creature, the creature can attempt a Will save to stop you from suppressing the spell.

Spell Grenade
[Level: 5]

You can spend 1 Resolve Point to store a spell with a range of touch in a grenade, allowing you to affect a target within the grenade’s blast radius with the spell. Casting a spell with spell grenade uses the spell’s standard casting time, and throwing the spell grenade is a standard action. You must throw the grenade before the end of your next turn, or the spell is wasted. You are considered proficient with the grenade for this attack. Choose a single target within the grenade’s blast radius; that target is affected by the spell as if you had successfully touched it. The grenade goes off as normal, with all of its usual effects within its blast radius. If you miss the targeted intersection with the grenade, you must choose a target within the grenade’s new blast radius. If there are no suitable targets within the grenade’s blast radius, the spell is wasted. Spells whose ranges are not touch don't benefit from this magic hack.

Diviner’s Tap
[Level: 8]

You can hack a computer to set up magical surveillance. This takes 10 minutes and requires a successful Computers check against the device’s DC. If you fail, you can’t try again on the same device. On a success, your tap lasts for a number of days equal to your caster level. You can program your tap either to give you general information about user activity on the device or to receive a mental alarm when a user accesses or transmits data about a specific topic (getting an idea of the information found). For instance, a user might hold a video call to talk about your exploits. If you chose to receive general information, you might know that a video call took place but not the call’s topic. If you chose to have the tap receive an alarm when the topic is you, you’d get the gist of the conversation (but not a complete transcript). Setting up a new diviner’s tap ends the duration of any previous one still in effect.

Flash Teleport
[Level: 8]

As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to teleport up to 30 feet. You must have line of sight to your destination. This movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.

Mental Mark
[Level: 8]

When an enemy fails a Will save against one of your technomancer spells, it takes a –2 penalty to saving throws and AC for 1 round. When an enemy succeeds at a Will save against one of your technomancer spells, it takes a –1 penalty to saving throws against your spells for 1 round. A creature can take only one penalty from a mental mark at a time.

[Level: 8]

You can cast an area spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less through a ranged weapon, allowing you to use the weapon’s range rather than the spell’s range. You must target a single creature with your attack, and the spell’s area is centered on that creature, or originates at the creature’s location for a cone or line effect (oriented in whichever direction you choose), even if the spell would normally be centered on or originate from a point. You can fire the weapon as part of the standard action to cast the spell. You must fire the weapon during the round that the casting is completed, or the spell is wasted. If the attack misses, the spell is wasted. Spells with an emanation effect that would be centered on you don’t benefit from this magic hack.

Tech Countermeasures
[Level: 8]

As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to make it more difficult for enemies to target you with technological weapons for 1 round. Until the start of your next turn, as a reaction just before an enemy attacks you with a technological weapon, you can force that enemy to roll the attack twice and take the lower result; if the weapon allows a Reflex save instead of requiring an attack roll, you instead gain the benefit of evasion (as the operative’s class feature; see page 93) against the attack. This magic hack has no effect on spells that target you or on weapons or attacks that are not technological in nature.