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Flat Affect

Androids find emotions confusing and keep them bottled up. They take a –2 penalty to Sense Motive checks, but the DCs of Sense Motive checks attempted against them increase by 2.


For effects targeting creatures by type, androids count as both humanoids and constructs (whichever effect is worse). They receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs. In addition, androids do not breathe or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum.

Exceptional Vision

Androids have low-light vision and darkvision. As a result, they can see in dim light as if
it were normal light, and they can see with no light source at all to a range of 60 feet in black and white only.

Upgrade Slot

Androids have a single armor upgrade slot in their bodies. Regardless of whether androids are wearing physical armor, they can use this slot to install any one armor upgrade that could be installed into light armor.

Bonus Feat

Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.


Humans gain an additional skill rank at 1st level and each level thereafter.


Due to their in-depth historical training and the wide-ranging academic background knowledge they possess, kasathas receive a +2 racial bonus to Culture checks.

Four Armed

Kasathas have four arms, which allows them to wield and hold up to four hands’ worth of weapons and equipment. While their multiple arms increase the number of items they can have at the ready, it doesn't increase the number of attacks they can make during combat.

Natural Grace

Kasathas receive a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics checks.

Desert Stride

Kasathas can move through nonmagical difficult terrain in deserts, hills, and mountains at their normal speed.