type: ability

Found 616 matches

Improved Unarmed Strike

You have trained to make your unarmed attacks lethal and strike with kicks, head-butts, and similar attacks.

Iron Will

You are more resistant to mental effects.

Lightning Reflexes

You have faster reflexes than normal.

Kip Up
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 1 rank.

You can stand up from prone in a hurry.

Longarm Proficiency
Prerequisites: Proficiency in small arms.

You know how to use longarms.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6.

You can strike foes that would normally be out of reach.

Major Psychic Power
Prerequisites: Cha 15, Minor Psychic Power, Psychic Power, character level 7th.

You have a significant natural psychic ability.

Master Crafter
Prerequisites: Computers, Engineering, Life Science, Mysticism, Physical Science, or appropriate Profession 5 ranks.

You can construct things more quickly than most.

Prerequisites: Unable to cast spells or use spell-like abilities.

Your mind and body are fortified against magic.

Medical Expert
Prerequisites: Life Science 1 rank, Medicine 1 rank, Physical Science 1 rank.

You are an expert at medical science and caring for the ill.