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Prerequisites: Dex 13.

You can easily move past dangerous foes.

Small Arm Proficiency

You know how to use small arms.

Multi-Weapon Fighting

You know how to fight with several lighter weapons at once and how to take advantage of your multiple attacks.

Reflect Projectiles
Prerequisites: Deflect Projectiles, base attack bonus +16.

You can use your melee weapon to redirect attacks.

Advanced Melee Weapon Proficiency
Prerequisites: Proficiency in basic melee weapons

You know how to use advanced melee weapons.

Mystic Strike
Prerequisites: Ability to cast spells.

Your magical power flows into your weapons.

Nimble Moves
Prerequisites: Dex 15.

Move across a single obstacle with ease.

Greater Spell Penetration
Prerequisites: Spell Penetration.

Your spells break through spell resistance much more easily than most.

Opening Volley
[Level: 1]

You gain Opening Volley as a bonus feat. If you already have this feat, choose a bonus combat feat instead. At 9th level, you can use Opening Volley on both your first and second turns in combat.

Shot on the Run
Prerequisites: ex 15, Mobility, base attack bonus +4.

You can move, fire a ranged weapon, and move again before your foes can react.