ref_save: +15
xp: 307200
type: creature

Found 1 matches

Living Apocalypse CR: 20 XP: 307200 CE Colossal ooze Init.: +12 Senses: blindsight (wireless signal) 60 ft., sense through (blindsight) 60 ft., sightless Perception: +34 HP: 405 EAC: 34 KAC: 35 Fort: +19 Ref: +15 Will: +20 Speed: 60 ft., fly 60 ft. (Su, perfect) Melee: None Ranged: apocalypse beam +30 (12d6+20 B plus radioactive exposure) Offensive Abilities: radioactive, radioactive exposure Str: +4 Dex: +12 Con: +6 Wis: +4 Int:Cha: +9 Skills: Acrobatics +34 (+42 to fly), Intimidate +39, Mysticism +39 (to identify spells and other magic effects only)