creature_type: outsider
type: creature
source: Alien Archive 2

Found 14 matches

Aasimar CR: 1 XP: 400 NG Medium outsider (native) Init.: +2 Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +10 HP: 17 EAC: 11 KAC: 12 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +4 Speed: 30 ft. Melee: tactical dueling sword +4 (1d6 S) Ranged: azimuth laser pistol +6 (1d4+1 F; critical burn 1d4) or frag grenade I +6 (explode [15 ft., 1d6 P, DC 12]) or smoke grenade I +6 (explode [20 ft., smoke cloud 1 minute, DC 12]) Offensive Abilities: None Str: +0 Dex: +2 Con: +0 Wis: +1 Int: +0 Cha: +4 Skills: Culture +5, Diplomacy +10, Medicine +5, Sense Motive +10 Languages: Celestial, Elven, Common Gear: flight suit stationwear, azimuth laser pistol with 2 batteries (20 charges each), tactical dueling sword, frag grenade I, smoke grenade I
Anchorite CR: 4 XP: 1200 LE Medium outsider (evil) Init.: +5 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Perception: +10 HP: 50 EAC: 16 KAC: 18 Fort: +6 Ref: +8 Will: +3 Speed: 30 ft. Melee: ascetic velstrac flenser +10 (1d4+5 S & So; critical bleed 1d4) Ranged: tactical acid dart rifle +13 (1d8+4 A & P; critical corrode 1d4) or frag grenade II +13 (explode [15 ft., 2d6 P, DC 13]) Offensive Abilities: unnerving gaze (30 ft., DC 13) Str: +1 Dex: +5 Con: +3 Wis: +1 Int: +0 Cha: +1 Skills: Acrobatics +15, Athletics +10, Intimidate +10, Sense Motive +10 Languages: Common, Infernal; telepathy 30 ft. Gear: velstrac harness (functions as defrex hide), tactical acid dart rifle with 20 darts, ascetic velstrac flenser (see page 129) with 1 battery (20 charges), frag grenades II (2)
Garaggakal Polymath CR: 14 XP: 38400 CE Large outsider (extraplanar) Init.: +8 Senses: blindsight (emotion) 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., sense through (emotion) 60 ft. Perception: +25 HP: 255 RP: 5 EAC: 28 KAC: 30 Fort: +16 Ref: +16 Will: +14 Speed: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (Su, perfect) Melee: bite +28 (8d6+20 P plus analyzed strike) Ranged: Offensive Abilities: leech life (DC 20) Str: +6 Dex: +8 Con: +4 Wis: +4 Int: +3 Cha: +0 Skills: Acrobatics +30 (+38 to fly), Athletics +25, Stealth +30, Survival +25 Languages: Garaggakal (can’t speak any language); telepathy 100 ft.
Garaggakal CR: 5 XP: 1600 CE Medium outsider (extraplanar) Init.: +5 Senses: blindsight (emotion) 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., sense through (emotion) 60 ft. Perception: +11 HP: 75 RP: 4 EAC: 17 KAC: 19 Fort: +7 Ref: +7 Will: +6 Speed: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (Su, perfect) Melee: bite +12 (2d6+9 P) Ranged: Offensive Abilities: leech life (DC 13) Str: +2 Dex: +5 Con: +3 Wis: +2 Int: +1 Cha: -2 Skills: Acrobatics +16 (+24 to fly), Athletics +11, Stealth +16, Survival +11 Languages: Garaggakal (can’t speak any language); telepathy 100 ft.
Ja Noi CR: 5 XP: 1600 LE Medium outsider (goblinoid) Init.: +5 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Perception: +11 HP: 84 EAC: 17 KAC: 19 Fort: +7 Ref: +7 Will: +6 Speed: 30 ft. (25 ft. in armor) Melee: tactical swoop hammer +15 (1d10+10 B; critical knockdown) Ranged: thunderstrike sonic rifle +12 (1d10+5 So; critical deafen [DC 13]) Offensive Abilities: Str: +5 Dex: +3 Con: +2 Wis: +0 Int: +1 Cha: +1 Skills: Acrobatics +16, Intimidate +11, Stealth +11 Languages: Common, Goblin Gear: lashunta ringwear II, tactical swoop hammer, thunderstrike sonic rifle with 2 high-capacity batteries (40 charges each)
Juvenile Solar Wisp CR: 5 XP: 1600 N Huge outsider (air) Init.: +5 Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +11 HP: 63 EAC: 17 KAC: 19 Fort: +9 Ref: +7 Will: +4 Speed: fly 30 ft. (Su, perfect) Melee: slam +15 (1d6+8 F) Ranged: Offensive Abilities: engulf (1d6+8 F, DC 13) Str: +3 Dex: +5 Con: +2 Wis: +0 Int: -3 Cha: +0 Skills: Acrobatics +16 (+24 to fly)
Kanabo Commando CR: 3 XP: 800 LE Medium outsider (goblinoid) Init.: +2 Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +8 HP: 40 EAC: 15 KAC: 18 Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +4 Speed: 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor) Melee: carbon steel curveblade +12 (1d10+7 S; critical bleed 1d6) Ranged: autotarget rifle +9 (1d6+3 P) or flash grenade I +9 (explode [5 ft., blinded 1d4 rounds, DC 12]) Offensive Abilities: fighting styles (arcane assailant) Str: +4 Dex: +2 Con: +1 Wis: +0 Int: +0 Cha: +0 Skills: Athletics +13, Intimidate +8, Stealth +8 Languages: Common, Goblin Gear: golemforged plating II, autotarget rifle with 50 longarm rounds, carbon steel curveblade, flash grenades I (2)
Mature Solar Wisp CR: 19 XP: 204800 N Small outsider (air) Init.: +11 Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +32 Aura: gravitational pull aura (120 ft.) HP: 400 EAC: 34 KAC: 35 Fort: +22 Ref: +20 Will: +16 Speed: fly 60 ft. (Su, perfect) Melee: slam +31 (15d6+28 F) Ranged: solar ray +34 (8d8+19 F; critical burn 6d6) Offensive Abilities: conflagration, stellar heat Str: +9 Dex: +11 Con: +6 Wis: +0 Int: -3 Cha: +0 Skills: Acrobatics +37 (+45 to fly)
Pluprex CR: 13 XP: 25600 CE Medium outsider (chaotic) Init.: +4 Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Perception: +23 Aura: radiation (20 ft.) HP: 190 EAC: 26 KAC: 27 Fort: +16 Ref: +12 Will: +14 Speed: 50 ft., fly 60 ft. (Su, average) Melee: bite +23 (6d4+19 S plus invoke mutation) Ranged: Offensive Abilities: invoke mutation Str: +6 Dex: +4 Con: +4 Wis: +2 Int: +3 Cha: +8 Skills: Acrobatics +23, Bluff +28, Intimidate +28, Life Science +23, Mysticism +23 Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 100 ft.
Prexian Mutantspawn CR: 11 XP: 12800 CE Medium outsider (chaotic) Init.: +3 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., blindsense (scent) 60 ft. Perception: +20 HP: 155 EAC: 23 KAC: 24 Fort: +14 Ref: +10 Will: +12 Speed: 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (Ex, average) Melee: numbing taclash +20 (5d4 S plus irradiation) or bite +20 (2d10+16 S plus irradiation) Ranged: Offensive Abilities: Str: +5 Dex: +3 Con: +8 Wis: +2 Int: +1 Cha: +3 Skills: Acrobatics +20, Bluff +20, Intimidate +20, Mysticism +20, Sense Motive +20 Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 100 ft. Gear: numbing taclash with 2 batteries (20 charges each)