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Explode Head
[Level: 18]

You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a standard action to psychically assault the brain of a foe within 60 feet, causing incredible pressure to build in its head. If the target has 20 Hit Points or fewer, its head explodes, instantly killing the target and spreading debris in a 10-foot radius. Each creature in the area must succeed at a Reflex saving throw or take 2d6 slashing damage from the flying debris. A target with more than 20 Hit Points takes 1d6 damage per mystic level you have (maximum 20d6), but can attempt a Fortitude save to take only half damage. If this damage would reduce the target to 0 HP, the target’s head explodes as described above. This ability works only on a creature that has a head and would die from the loss of a head.

Forced Amity
[Level: 3]

You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a standard action to shunt positive emotions and thoughts through your connection, forcing a humanoid creature to become friendly to you for a time. This functions as charm person.

Echoes of Obedience
[Level: 6]

Even creatures that resist your dominance can’t shake the lingering echoes of your mind. When a creature succeeds at a saving throw against one of your mind-affecting charm or compulsion spells or spell-like abilities and negates the effect, it takes a –1 penalty to AC, attack rolls, and skill checks until the beginning of your next turn. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Greater Forced Amity
[Level: 9]

Your forced amity ability functions as charm monster.

Jealous Overlord
[Level: 12]

When an ally linked by your telepathic bond class feature is subject to mind-affecting effect that issues commands, as a reaction you can issue a countermand allowing the linked ally to act normally. When you do, attempt an opposed Charisma check against the originator of the mind-affecting effect; if you succeed, your ally can act normally.

Forceful Commands
[Level: 15]

When you use a mind-affecting charm or compulsion spell or spell-like ability against a target benefiting from an active spell that protects against your attack, you automatically become aware of the presence of such defenses, and can spend 1 Resolve Point as part of casting the spell to attempt a caster level check to dispel the highest-level such spell, as if you had cast dispel magic.

Absolute Control
[Level: 18]

When you issue a command to a dominated creature that would force it to act against its nature, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to deny it a new saving throw against your domination. The dominated creature still won’t carry out an obviously self-destructive order.

Walk the Void
[Level: 1]

You are immune to the harmful environmental effects of outer space and vacuum. You also gain a fly speed of 20 feet while in space. In addition, whenever you can see the stars, you can determine your precise location. Finally, add Piloting to your list of class skills.

[Level: 6]

You can study the stars to gain a bit of good luck. Twice per day, if you are outdoors and can see the stars, you can reroll a failed ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check (see page 243).

[Level: 9]

While in starlight form, you gain the ability to fly as per the flight spell (spell level 3rd or lower).