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Quick Fix
Prerequisites: Engineering, 12 ranks

If you have at least 12 ranks in Engineering, you can try to repair a system quickly by spending 1 Resolve Point and attempting an Engineering check (DC = 20 + 1½ × you starship’s tier). If successful, you remove the critical damage condition from one system for 1 hour (allowing it to function as if it had taken no critical damage), after which time it must be repaired as normal.

Fire at Will

(Gunnery Phase, Push)
You can fire any two starship weapons, regardless of their arc. Each attack is made at a –4 penalty.


You can fire one of your starship’s weapons. If you use a turret weapon, you can target a ship in any arc.

Prerequisites: 6th Level

At 6th level, you can expend 1 Resolve Point to fire all of the starship weapons mounted in one arc (including turret-mounted weapons). Each weapon can target any vessel in that arc. All of these attacks are made with a –2 penalty.

Precise Targeting
Prerequisites: 12th Level

At 12th level, you can perform a very precise strike by spending 1 Resolve Point and firing one starship weapon at a single target. If the attack hits and the enemy ship’s shields on that quadrant are depleted before your attack, you deal critical damage to a random system. If the attack would normally cause critical damage, the normal critical damage applies as well (meaning your attack could potentially deal critical damage multiple times; determine which system is damaged as normal each time).


You move your starship up to its speed and can make any turns allowed by its maneuverability. This doesn’t require a skill check.


You move your starship up to its speed. You can also attempt a Piloting check (DC = 15 + 1½ × your starship’s tier) to reduce your starship’s distance between turns by 1 (to a minimum of 0).


You can attempt any one of the stunts described on page 319. The DCs of the Piloting checks required and the results of success and failure are described in each stunt’s description.

Full Power
Prerequisites: Piloting, 6 ranks

If you have at least 6 ranks in Piloting, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to move your starship up to 1½ times its speed. You can make turns during this movement, but you add 2 to your starship’s distance between turns.

Audacious Gambit
Prerequisites: Piloting, 12 ranks

If you have at least 12 ranks in Piloting, you can spend 1 Resolve Point and attempt a Piloting check (DC = 20 + 1½ × your starship’s tier) to pull off complex maneuvers. You can move your starship up to its speed, treating its distance between turns as if it were 2 lower (minimum 0). You can also fly through hexes occupied by enemy vessels without provoking free attacks. At the end of your starship’s movement, you can rotate your starship to face in any direction. If you fail the check, you instead move as if you had taken the fly action (but still lose the Resolve Point).