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[Level: 5]

The bleeding fusion weaves entropic energy into the weapon’s form. The weapon gains the bleed critical hit effect (see page 182). The amount of damage taken each round from this effect is equal to 1d6 per 5 levels of the weapon, rounded down. If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon’s normal critical hit effect or the bleed effect. Only weapons that deal piercing or slashing damage can have this fusion.

[Level: 2]

With the burst fusion, a weapon’s energy damage can form a small explosion that spills onto a second target. The weapon gains the arc critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon’s normal critical hit effect or the arc effect. The amount of damage dealt to the secondary target is equal to one-third the level of the weapon with the burst fusion (minimum 1). Only weapons that deal acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage can benefit from a burst fusion. If your weapon deals more than one type of energy damage, you select one of those types for the arc critical hit effect to apply to secondary targets when the fusion is added.

[Level: 1]

A weapon with the called fusion can be teleported to its owner’s hand as a swift action, even if the weapon is in the possession of another creature. This ability has a maximum range of 100 feet, and effects that block teleportation prevent the return of a called weapon. A weapon with the called fusion must be in your possession for at least 24 hours for this ability to function.

[Level: 3]

With the deafening fusion, a weapon releases a blast of low- frequency sonic energy on impact. The weapon gains the deafen critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon’s normal critical hit effect or the deafen effect. Only weapons that deal bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, or sonic damage can benefit from a deafening fusion.

[Level: 1]

A weapon with the defiant fusion resists efforts to be removed from its wielder. If you are wielding it when you are knocked unconscious, panicked, or stunned, it stays in your hand. You also gain a bonus to your KAC against combat maneuvers to disarm the weapon equal to one-fifth the weapon’s level (minimum +1).

[Level: 3]

A weapon with the dispelling fusion gathers spare wisps of latent magic during combat, which it can then unleash in a focused effort to dispel magic. The weapon gains dispelling as a critical hit effect in combat. This ability manifests only in high-stakes situations, so you must be in combat and facing a significant enemy (see page 242) for it to gain this critical hit effect. If there’s any doubt about whether you’re in combat or able to access the critical hit effect, the GM decides. If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon’s normal critical hit effect or the dispelling effect. A target affected by the dispelling critical hit effect is the subject of a targeted dispel magic, as the spell, using the weapon’s item level as the dispel check’s caster level.

[Level: 3]

The disruptive fusion imbues a weapon with powerful positive energy designed to disrupt the magical forces that allow undead to exist. The weapon ignores any DR and energy resistance of undead creatures. Only weapons that deal bludgeoning damage can benefit from this fusion.

[Level: 1]

The durable fusion uses magical runes and reinforcements to significantly increase a weapon’s toughness. When determining a weapon’s hardness, Hit Points, and saving throws, treat its item level as being 5 higher. For more about calculating these values, see Breaking Objects on page 409.

[Level: 2]

A weapon with the entangling fusion gains the entangle weapon special property (see page 181). Only a single attack each day may benefit from this property, and you must announce before making an attack that it is an entangle attack. Regardless of how many targets you can hit with a single attack from your weapon, only a single target of your choice is affected by the entangle condition. The entangle effect ends after 1d4 rounds if the target has not already escaped it. Only weapons that do bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, or cold damage can benefit from this fusion.

[Level: 5]

The frost fusion imbues a weapon with the icy cold of a dead world far from its system’s sun. Half the weapon’s damage type is replaced with cold damage. You can activate or deactivate the frost fusion as a swift action. If the weapon already deals two types of damage, replace one of them with cold (you decide which damage type to replace each time you activate the frost fusion). You can add this fusion only to a weapon that does not already deal cold damage. This fusion never causes a weapon that normally targets KAC to target EAC.