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[Level: 2]

A weapon with the merciful fusion often hums pleasantly when at rest and makes soft, airy musical noises when it is used to make an attack. The magic of this fusion subdues the damaging effect of the weapon it is added to. While this fusion is active, the weapon’s regular damage becomes nonlethal damage. If the weapon deals two types of damage, both of the damage types become nonlethal. You can activate or deactivate the merciful fusion as a swift action.

[Level: 2]

A weapon with the spellthrower fusion is able to have a single spell gem loaded into it at a time. It takes 1 minute to load a spell gem, and only gems containing a spell with a casting time of one standard action or less and a spell level no greater than one-quarter the weapon’s item level can be loaded into the weapon.

If you are proficient with and wielding the weapon, as a full action you can cast the spell contained within the spell gem rather than make a normal attack. This allows you to use the spell gem as if you were a spellcaster with the spell on your class’s spell list.

Unlike the normal rules for using a spell gem, it does not matter if the gem’s item level is higher than your caster level (even if your caster level is 0). However, if the spell gem’s item level is higher than your base attack bonus, once you’ve spent the full action to cast the spell, you must succeed at an attack roll with the weapon against an AC equal to the spell gem’s level + 1 or you fail to cast the spell. This roll represents your expertise with the weapon, and no actual attack or ammunition is used. If you fail to cast a spell from a spell gem, the spell is expended harmlessly and the spell gem is destroyed.

[Level: 10]

With the vorpal fusion, a weapon can tear between the molecules of a creature. The weapon gains the severe wound critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon’s normal critical hit effect or the severe wound effect. Only a weapon that deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage can benefit from this fusion.

Baton, Tactical
Level: 1 Price: 90 Bulk: L Damage: 1d4 B Critical:


Analog, Operative

Battleglove, Cestus
Level: 1 Price: 100 Bulk: L Damage: 1d4 B Critical:



Knife, Survival
Level: 1 Price: 95 Bulk: L Damage: 1d4 S Critical:


Analog, Operative

Dueling Sword, Tactical
Level: 2 Price: 475 Bulk: L Damage: 1d6 S Critical:



Knife, Tactical
Level: 7 Price: 6,000 Bulk: L Damage: 2d4 S Critical:


Analog, Operative

Dueling Sword, Buzzblade
Level: 8 Price: 9,500 Bulk: L Damage: 2d6 S Critical:


Powered (capacity 20, usage 1)

Level: 9 Price: 14,200 Bulk: L Damage: 3d4 B Critical:



Nonlethal, Operative, Powered (capacity 20, usage 2)