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Ghost Killer
[Level: 5]

Attacks from a weapon with this fusion deal full damage to incorporeal creatures. They also pass into the Ethereal Plane, allowing such attacks to affect ethereal creatures normally. Weapons with the ghost killer fusion can also score critical hits against incorporeal creatures. In addition, an incorporeal creature (though not an ethereal one) can pick up, move, or wield a ghost killer weapon.

[Level: 1]

As a standard action, a weapon with the glamered fusion can be commanded to change its appearance to assume the form of another object of similar size. The weapon retains all its properties (including bulk) when disguised but does not radiate magic. Only true seeing or similar magic reveals the true nature of a glamered weapon while it is in disguise. After a glamered weapon is used to make an attack, this fusion is suppressed for 1 minute.

[Level: 2]

A weapon with the holy fusion becomes blessed with divine energy from a good deity. Any attacks with the fused weapon are good-aligned. Damage from the weapon bypasses DR/good and ignores the energy resistance of evil dragons, evil outsiders, and evil undead. The holy fusion cannot be added to weapons that have the unholy fusion.

[Level: 1]

The illuminating fusion causes a weapon to gain the bright weapon special property (see page 181). You can deactivate this fusion as a move action, in which case the weapon acts as if it does not have the bright property until it is reactivated (which also requires a move action).

[Level: 6]

With the knockdown fusion, a weapon disrupts a target’s center of gravity. The weapon gains the knockdown critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon’s normal critical hit effect or the knockdown effect. Only weapons that deal bludgeoning damage can benefit from this fusion.

[Level: 1]

A weapon with the ominous fusion trails a shadowy haze behind it and moans a menacing dirge in battle. The weapon gains intimidation as a critical hit effect. If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon’s normal critical hit effect or the intimidation effect. A target affected by the intimidation critical hit effect is shaken for 1d4 rounds (Fortitude save negates). A creature that gains the shaken condition from a weapon with the ominous fusion can’t gain that condition again from the same weapon for 24 hours.

[Level: 1]

You can add this fusion only to a weapon that has the thrown weapon special property. A returning weapon flies through the air back to you after you make a thrown ranged attack with it. It returns to you just before your next turn (and is therefore ready to use again in that turn). Catching the weapon when it comes back takes no action. If you can’t catch it, or if you have moved since throwing it, the weapon drops to the ground in the square from which you threw it.

[Level: 3]

The seeking fusion causes an attack from a weapon to veer toward its target. This negates any miss chance caused by the target having concealment, though it has no effect on miss chances from other sources (and does not offset the miss chance from a target having total concealment).

[Level: 5]

The shock fusion weaves the electrical energy of the universe into the weapon’s form. Half the weapon’s damage type is replaced with electricity damage. You can activate or deactivate the shock fusion as a swift action. If the weapon already deals two types of damage, replace one of them with electricity (you decide which damage type to replace each time you activate the shock fusion). You can add this fusion only to a weapon that does not already deal electricity damage. This fusion never causes a weapon that normally target KAC to target EAC.

[Level: 9]

The thundering fusion imbues a weapon with heightened frequency vibrations. Half the weapon’s damage type is replaced with sonic damage. You can activate or deactivate the thundering fusion as a swift action. If the weapon already deals two types of damage, replace one of them with sonic (you decide which damage type to replace each time you activate the thundering fusion). You can add this fusion only to a weapon that does not already deal sonic damage. This fusion never causes a weapon that normally target KAC to target EAC